
Managing Computer labs using Kace sma

I work for a school district and we recently purchased both the SMA and SDA appliances.  I manage multiple labs at multiple school (sites).  Some are engineering labs which require very large multi suite programs.  I have a general question how some of you who have been using these appliances.

  1. I have a need to push out new  software to my lab environments while no one is in the labs.  How do some of you do this with no user interaction? (i.e. remote auto log in on multiple desktops simultaneously)

This would save me a large amount of time managing these labs.  

Thank you for any advice you can provide. 

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Nico_K 2 years ago
Red Belt

honestly: This is the main function of the SMA.
You create one or multiple Managed Installs (or if needed scripts) and run them on the systems at times where they are not used.
If you want you can WOL them before to be sure they are online.

I suggest to discuss this with the KACE trainer during your jumpstart sessions (and notify them before, so they can help you to setup)

Posted by: Hobbsy 2 years ago
Red Belt

Jumpstarts!!! Nico that is so last decade, did you mean Quickstarts??

If what you are asking is how do I fully image a PC hands off, refresh the build at the end of the week etc then that can also be done from the SDA.

So you need to set your boot order for your PC's to always boot to the KBE first, the you set a Boot action on the SDA to start the build, so using the SMA, if you have your labs in their own unique label, you can then send a script from the SMA to that group to reboot all the PC's and as they do they pick up the boot action and rebuild from the SDA, simple.

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