
Microsoft Office 2013 - how to prevent outlook from being default mail client.

I created an install using OCT and everything has been great except after the installer runs Outlook is set as the default mail client.  The only item in OCT I could find related was under Features->Modify user settings->Microsoft Outook 2013->Outlook options->Other->Make Outlook the default program for E-mail, Contacts, and Calendar.  However the description just states this setting controls whether the user has the option to make it the default after its installed.  I also found googling that using OUTLOOKASDEFAULTCONTACTSAPP=0 worked in 2007 if you put it under modify setup properties.

I've tried a few combinations with the settings I mentioned above without any luck.  Any ideas on how I can prevent Outlook from being the default mail program after the installer runs?

EDIT: I did some more testing and it turns out the OUTLOOKASDEFAULTCONTACTSAPP=0 (as well as the other 2) do indeed work.  The trick is if nothing else is set to the default email app it will still set itself.  Hope that saves someone else some trouble!  In my case I was testing on a blank windows machine.  Once I put Lotus Notes on there and made sure it was the default mail app the office installer stopped making outlook the default.  Also I did not end up having to touch the "Make Outlook the default program for E-mail, Contacts, and Calendar." setting.  I'm not sure why this isn't just a normal option within OCT or why it still makes outlook the default if nothing else is, but I got it to work for my situation.

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: pperpich 10 years ago
White Belt

What I've found is that the Office 2013 installer (customized with OCT) will set outlook as default mail app.  To prevent this I set these 3 items to 0 (zero) in the modify setup properties area of OCT.


From my testing that works if something else is set to handle email.  If there is nothing else set to handle email the installer will still make outlook the default app for mail.  That was confusing and took a bit of testing to realize.

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