Migrate Service Desk Ticket Data to New Queue without Changing Ticket Owner
I am trying to migrate K1000 service desk ticket data to a new service desk queue, and the new queue has been copied over from the originating queue, so ticket fields/rules are identical. My issue is that when I convert a ticket that is owned by another user, it makes me the new ticket owner. I’ve also tried migrating tickets when logged in as admin and I still have this issue. Is there a way to convert ticket data in a mass way and still preserve initial ticket owners? Or does each ticket owner have to migrate their own data (less than ideal)?
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Is it possible that you have a custom rule in place that is changing the ticket owner? I don't believe there is anything in KACE that automatically changes the ticket owner when you transfer it to another queue. - chucksteel 9 years ago
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Posted by:
Deepak Gupta
9 years ago
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8 years ago