
MS Office 2010 Products

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I am working on sequencing Office 2010 products like Visio Pro 2010, Visio STD 2010, Project Pro 2010 and Project STD 2010. After Checking different blogs, I am installing Office Deployment kit with the commandline by passing all the licenses at a time seperating by semi colon (;) and USEROPERATIONS=1 value. When I launch the applications, Its opening the Microsoft Office Acitvation Wizard asking to activate the software. While sequencing, when I launch the application, its not asking for the activation. Does anyone explain how can I include Activation part in to sequencing.


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Answers (15)

Posted by: kkaminsk 14 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
The first thing I go back to is the keys to make 100% sure they are working with the deployment kit. When you look at the application event log is the app-v deployment kit installing sucessfully or performing a rollback? Sometimes people don't see the progress bar when it does a rollback because it is so quick.
Posted by: kewl.ravs 13 years ago
Purple Belt
Does anyone have any idea on this?
Posted by: ajchak 13 years ago
Orange Belt
try this...

it may work..

This is a known behavior for virtualized office 2010 or its components. For this Microsoft has provided office deployment kit tools which is an MSI, which checks for per-machine license for the Office.

We need to install the office deployment kit tools MSI locally as mentioned below.

STEP1- Install the office deployment kit (OffVirt.msi) using below command.


where PIDKEYS is the product key

STEP2- Once installed the OffVirt.msi reboot the machine and deployed the sequenced application.

You can download OffVirt.msi from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=479f12f2-5678-493e-bce1-682b3ece5431&displaylang=en

Posted by: ajchak 13 years ago
Orange Belt
the same issue which you have mentioned can be faced when you sequence and deploy any Office 2010 app,when you launched the Virtualized application it would launch and give a license error and this can be resolved by following the step mentioned above.

I had tried it and it works... :)

Posted by: imavanurabanerjee 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Do you really need to give the product key from the command line?

First in a fresh machine install the app manually with keys as manual inputs and not from command line. Check whether you get a desired output or not.

If you are happy with the output then try to sequence it and now while sequening, dont provide the key in command line, give a manual input to fave the prompt for the key during sequencing.

try this, if helps.

Posted by: imavanurabanerjee 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Alswo, remember if the app asks for a reboot during sequencing dont cancel it. say yes APP-V will catch that but your system will not reboot.
Posted by: AssmbLLYCoder 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

MS Office 2010 products can be activated either using KMS (VL keys) or MAK keys.

MS Office 2010 products by default include VL keys so you need not provide any license during sequencing. However, You do need to install Office 2010 deployment Toolkit.

In order to successfully virtualize Office 2010 products, Follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Office 2010 deployment Toolkit.
Step 2: Install Sequencer v 4.5 or higher.
Step 3: Install Office 2010 product which you want to virtualize.

For validation of the pacakge created above, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Install Office 2010 deployment Toolkit defining the activation method (KMS or MAK).

(License keys can be provided with the installation if you are using MAK activation keys. Also, you can use USEROPERATIONS=0 or 1 if you want to allow the users to change the activation key)

Step 2: Install the AppV client as per compatability matrix (4.5 in this case)
Step 3: Deploy the Office 2010 product virtualized package
Step 4: Perform validation as desired.
Posted by: sujitha 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks Assembly Coder... ur post helped me lot

microsoft excel expert
Posted by: arnolddepth 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
If the product key you entered, taken from the bottom of the certificate of authenticity the computer, you must activate Office using the Windows product key. This will not work. If you use the buy the Microsoft Office 2010, enter the product key, and taken from the retail package is found in the yellow oragne Office proof of license label.
Posted by: cygan 13 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
I sequenced office 2010 pro, visio 2010 pro and project 2010 pro with no problems at all

you need to read the microsoft guide to sequencing office 2010.

thats what I followed
Posted by: angelinadepth 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
You can simply use Microsoft's free viewers to examine documents, if you only need to read / check the received file. If your computer is on the policy, to prevent the running of the audience, ask your system administrator to enable them. It should not be a problem, because using a free for all, they do not represent the audience as long as you stick to the desktop for any loopholes on the computer, and keep clear of the ActiveX plugin.
Posted by: roni86 13 years ago
Blue Belt
how can change the names off the directory now i have start/progrmas/office/...., and i want to have start/progrmas/office2010APPV/.... word , PP etc
Posted by: bennebiest 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Using the AppV Management Console, right click the folder where all Office shortcuts resides (or choose all Office individual shortcuts).
Next choose the Shortcuts-tab, and change the "Publish to User's Start Menu"-field into \office2010APPV.
Posted by: roni86 13 years ago
Blue Belt
i use sccm to push the software, how can i change it in the package
Posted by: 15moreminutes 13 years ago
Yellow Belt

From- http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179097.aspx

You can also activate Office 2010 at the time that you install a MAK key by setting the AUTO_ACTIVATE property value. To do this, follow these steps:

1.In the OCT, select Modify Setup properties on the left pane, and then click Add in the right pane.

2.In the Add Property Value dialog box, in the Name box, type AUTO_ACTIVATE. Note that property names must be uppercase.

3.In the Value box, type 1, and then click OK.

For information about configuring the AUTO_ACTIVATE property by using the Config.xml file, see Setting element in Config.xml file in Office 2010.
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