
MSI Script

Hey guys,

I am somewhat a newbie...I had a question about the actual MSI Script Install Sequence. There are 3 sections: User Interface, Execute Immediate and Execute Deferred.

These are my questions:

1. Do all 3 sections run when you install ?
2. I am guessing if you use /qb switches the User Interface part does not run. Is this correct ?
3. I am finding that if I use /qb switches, the stuff installed is different then if I did a manual install following the wizards. Why is this ? I tried copying some scripts into Execute Deferred and when I tried installing using /qb I got errors.

I dont remember anything at the moment.

Thanks in advance.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
There is a rather good flow diagram of the sequences knocking about on the web. I'm sure you could find a post with a link to it here on AD.

As to different install results, you've almost answered your question. Think about your question 2 a little more and you'll get it. Get used to this scenario, BTW. Lots and lots of vendors don't ever envisage their software being installed silently and author their MSIs rather poorly as a result.
Posted by: y0da 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
hey thank you....i appreciate the fyi..
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