
MST and Visual Studio 2005

I'm using the /CreateTransform to install a full version of Visual Studio 2005 with MST on Windows XP which already has its prerequisites. Everything works fine when I use it. The only thing irritating is that upon creation, it doesn’t let me change Directory. I want to install it on the D:\systprod\vs2005 but it only sees the C:\program files….. With a .INI, the installation lets me install where I want but I never managed to get rid of the Reboots… Can I create an MST using another Directory?
Thanks a million,

PS. I already tried passing the D:\systprod..... path to INSTALLDIR and it didn't work.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: BarryB 18 years ago
Orange Belt
I have never installed VS 2005, but try adding the Property ROOTDRIVE d:\ to your MST I believe this will at least point your install to D:\ [;)]
Posted by: paulsgagnon 18 years ago
Yellow Belt
Doesn't work either... I'm beginning to think Microsoft didn't want Visual Studio to be installed on another drive then the C:\.
Posted by: Gechonet 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Here is the deal,

The root of the Visual Studio application will be forced to install to the C drive, the rest of the support files will then install to the drive you specified. I would also try using ORCA and using WISE or you could use the Visual Studio Installation Tool to create the MST file. It would work better than the command line switch for the transforms creation.

If you need to I can send you the method I used to create this package or even the MST I created to distribute to Fifth Third Bank. You can open it up and look at how it was done.

Let me know...
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