
NIC Power Management

Hi All,

I tried the script over at http://www.itninja.com/question/turn-off-network-card-sleep-settings with no luck.

I found this script

'version 1.04

'This script can be used to disable or enable power management options
'of all Ethernet devices listed in strAdap.

'Note: Option A: "Only allow management stations to bring the computer out of standby."
'      Option B: "Allow this device to bring the computer out of standby."

'When you need to run this on a system with new Ethernet Device, just update strAdap with the Ethernet device name.

Const Version                 ="1.08"
Dim colNetworkAdapters
Dim objNetworkAdapter

Dim strDevInstanceName
Dim strNetworkAdapterID
Dim counter

Const strEnable                = "ENABLE"        ' check both A and B (for reference see Note above)
Const strDisable            = "DISABLE"        ' always disable both A and B (for reference see Note above)
Const strManaged             = "MANAGED"             ' check B only when A is checked else do nothing (for reference see Note above)

Const EnableRequest            = 0
Const DisableRequest            = 1
Const ManagedRequest            = 2

Dim RequestCmd                            ' Any of EnableRequest/DisableRequest/QueryRequest
Dim MagicEnable
MagicEnable= 0
Dim  AdapCount

strAdap = Array("Intel(R) Ethernet Connection","Intel(R) PRO/1000","Intel(R) 82566","Broadcom NetXtreme","Broadcom NetLink","Realtek RTL8139/810x","Intel(R) 82567","Realtek RTL8168","Intel(R) 82577", "Realtek PCIe GBE","Intel(R) 82579")

Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
AdapCount = Ubound(strAdap) + 1    

' Check arguments
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then
    'RequestCmd = QueryRequest
        WScript.Echo "CTRLWOL.vbs  v."& version
        WScript.Echo "Run script with ENABLE|MANAGED|DISABLE option"
    If UCase( WScript.Arguments.Item(0)) = strEnable Then
        RequestCmd = EnableRequest
           ElseIf UCase(WScript.Arguments.Item(0)) = strDisable Then
        RequestCmd = DisableRequest
        ElseIf UCase(WScript.Arguments.Item(0)) = strManaged Then
        RequestCmd = ManagedRequest              
    ElseIf Instr( WScript.Arguments.Item(0), "/?" ) Then   
                   WScript.Echo "CTRLWOL.vbs  v."& version   
        WScript.Echo "This script will enable or disable Power Management of Ethernet device."
        WScript.Echo "Note: This must be ran on an evelated command prompt."
        WScript.Echo "CTRLWOL.vbs [ENABLE|MANAGED|DISABLE]"   
                WScript.Echo "CTRLWOL.vbs  v."& version
                WScript.Echo "Invalid Request: " + UCase( WScript.Arguments.Item(0) )
        WScript.Echo "This script will enable or disable Power Management of Ethernet device."
        WScript.Echo "Note: This must be ran on an evelated command prompt."
        WScript.Echo "CTRLWOL.vbs [ENABLE|MANAGED|DISABLE]"   
    End If
End If

'Query for all of the Win32_NetworkAdapters that are wired Ethernet (AdapterTypeId=0 corresponds to Ethernet 802.3)
Set colNetworkAdapters = GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/Cimv2")_
.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE AdapterTypeId=0")

'WScript.Echo "Enabling WoL for the following adapters:"

For Each objNetworkAdapter In colNetworkAdapters
    'WScript.Echo "  " & objNetworkAdapter.Name & " [" & objNetworkAdapter.MACAddress & "]"
        counter = 0
    While counter < AdapCount
              strFind = strAdap(counter)
              'Match Adapter Name to any of the known Ethernet Adapters
          If InStrB(objNetworkAdapter.Name, strFind) <> 0 Then
                       ' WScript.Echo Found
            strNetworkAdapterID = UCase(objNetworkAdapter.PNPDeviceID)
               'WScript.Echo objNetworkAdapter.Name & strFind

            'Query for all of the MSPower_DeviceWakeEnable classes
            Dim colPowerWakeEnables
            Dim objPowerWakeEnable

            Set colPowerWakeEnables = GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/wmi")_
            .ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM MSPower_DeviceWakeEnable")
            'Compare the PNP Device ID from the network adapter against the MSPower_DeviceEnabled instances
            For Each objPowerWakeEnable In colPowerWakeEnables
                'We have to compare the leftmost part as MSPower_DeviceEnabled.InstanceName contains an instance suffix
                strDevInstanceName = UCase(Left(objPowerWakeEnable.InstanceName, Len(strNetworkAdapterID)))
                'Match found, enable WOL
                If StrComp(strDevInstanceName, strNetworkAdapterID)=0 Then
                                     If RequestCmd = ManagedRequest Then
                      If (objPowerWakeEnable.Enable = True) Then   'Check if "Allow this device to bring the computer out of standby." is enabled
                            MagicEnable = 1                        'Set flag to 1
                                      '   Else  WScript.Echo "'Allow this device to bring the computer out of standby option' is not enabled."
                                          End If
                                     ElseIf RequestCmd = EnableRequest Then
                                          objPowerWakeEnable.Enable = True
                      objPowerWakeEnable.Put_      'Required to write the value back to the object                                    

                                     ElseIf RequestCmd = DisableRequest Then
                                                objPowerWakeEnable.Enable = False
                        objPowerWakeEnable.Put_      'Required to write the value back to the object
                                  '    ElseIf RequestCmd = Query Request Then
                                  '               WScript.Echo "Rerun script with ENABLE or DISABLE option"
                                      End    If
                End    If
            'Query for all of the MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly classes
            Dim colMagicPacketOnlys
            Dim objMagicPacketOnly
            Set colMagicPacketOnlys = GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/wmi")_
            .ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly")
            'Compare the PNP Device ID from the network adapter against the MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly instances
            For Each objMagicPacketOnly In colMagicPacketOnlys
                'We have to compare the leftmost part as MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly.InstanceName contains an instance suffix
                strDevInstanceName = UCase(Left(objMagicPacketOnly.InstanceName, Len(strNetworkAdapterID)))
                'Match found, enable WOL for Magic Packets only
                If StrComp(strDevInstanceName, strNetworkAdapterID)=0 Then
                                     If (RequestCmd = ManagedRequest) and (MagicEnable = 1) Then
                    objMagicPacketOnly.EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly = True  'Set to true to enable "Only allow management stations to bring the computer out of standby."
                    objMagicPacketOnly.Put_                             'Required to write the value back to the object
                                     ElseIf RequestCmd = EnableRequest Then
                    objMagicPacketOnly.EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly = True  'Set to true to enable "Only allow management stations to bring the computer out of standby."
                    objMagicPacketOnly.Put_                             'Required to write the value back to the object

                                     ElseIf RequestCmd = DisableRequest Then
                    objMagicPacketOnly.EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly = False  'Set to false if you wish to wake on magic packets AND wake patterns
                    objMagicPacketOnly.Put_      'Required to write the value back to the object
                     End  If
                End    If
                        counter = AdapCount
         Else   counter = counter + 1
         End If


The read me says that I can adjust the type of NIC in there and even though it says that model of NIC I am using is there it will not work.

What am I missing here?  Script and readme found here http://support.lenovo.com/en_US/detail.page?LegacyDocID=MIGR-70044

4 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Why do you not use group policy? I guess you use Windows 7? - dedenker 10 years ago
  • Netpar,

    Why not use the Power Management Configuration Policy Script in the K1000?

    Ron Colson
    KACE Koach - ronco 10 years ago
    • Hi Ron,

      We are on V6.0 and our fleet is Win7. Are you saying that I can use Kace power management script to wake computers from sleep with a WOL Packet from K1000? - Netpar 10 years ago
  • Netpar,

    There are a few possible issues here:

    1. Enabling WOL support in the BIOS of your machines. If they are Dell machines then you can likely use Client Configuration Toolkit (CCTK) to do this. We have a KKE Recording on that topic (it is called Dell Tools).

    2. Enabling WOL support in the NIC driver settings. This can likely be scripted via a Registry script in the K1000 Scripting module.

    3. Customizing Power Management settings to, for instance, not require a password on wakeup. This can be done using the Power Management Configuration Policy in the K1000 Scripting module. (We have many KKEs on Scripting.)

    4. Sending the Wake-Up Packet. Assuming that your environment supports it, this can be done through the K1000 Distribution module.


    Ron Colson
    KACE Koach - ronco 10 years ago
  • Hi Ron,

    The scenario we have is that we need to be able to wake computer from sleep. CCTK package deployment works well for us from a powered off state but not when they are asleep.

    If I can get a script working I can create a MI and run said script. The issue I have is that I can not get a script to work. - Netpar 10 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Red Belt
one of your tags is systems deployment.  You can deploy to one system of that model of computer and then edit the registry and find out what device number is assigned to the nic, this would be a constant for all machines with the same hardware configuration. 


Then you can create a post sysprep registry merge to set the key correct under that device.

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