
Offboarding with SMA

We are trying to create an off-boarding/termination process with our Service Desk in K1000. The idea is for a manager to start to the process in Kace, select a person from the list of the users that we populate using mysql and then we would populate the assets that belong to that user. After that the manager would be responsible to collect that equipment from a terminated employee and would mark the check boxes on the created ticket in the service desk.

This seems like a 2 step process where I need to collect the employee name first , accept the input and then run a query to get user's assets. Is it possible to have a Next button on a process? Or maybe there are some workarounds that could be suggested on how to implement something like this? Any help/ideas on how this could be done would be appreciated. Thank you!

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 2 years ago
Red Belt

Ok so for this to work correctly you will need to setup your Asset types so that every asset type you use, excluding the default location, status, department, cost centre etc etc, has the option to apply the owner to each asset. Once you start to use that field in the asset record then you will be able to go to the user record, under Settings and each user record you will see two sections of owned assets, Device assets and other assets.

It is possible to create a custom lookup field whereby the Service desk populates with the assets that are owned when the user is selected, although as the Asset tables are quite extensive you may need more that one section to show different asset types.

So I would create a leavers ticket where the manager logs the ticket selecting the leaver and the date that they are leaving. Once logged the SQL fields will then update the assets owned by the leaver and you could send an email, using a ticket rule back to the manager to list what Assets they need to retrieve.

If you change the status of the ticket at this point you could then use the template function for the ticket to show fields that the manager has to complete to say that they have the equipment back. You may also be able to run a ticket rule to set the each Asset records status to In Stock, rather than Active or Missing if you are not able to retrieve the asset.

All possible with a bit of planning and mapping out of the process that you want to follow, however......

The major barrier to achieving this would be the allocation of the assets to their owner and that is down to Asset Management Process within KACE.

I suggest you don't reinvent the wheel, Our BarKode Asset Scanner for KACE has a built in Owner Scan that a tech can use to scan any asset type to the selected user, so simply enabling a "Starters" Process as default.

If you continue to manage your assets during their lifecycle correctly, then when the Leaver leaves, our BarKode scanner has a built in Audit function that shows you exactly what assets are "owned" by the leaver, allowing you to scan back in every item or alternatively, will mark any not found with a specific status, so you can follow up and write off/charge for anything that is not returned.  


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