
Packaging and Deploying Qlik Sense Desktop

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I am from Application packaging team. i have an application that installs files to Local Appdata Folder. I have packaged this application and installs fine with normal account. When I deploy it through SCCM the application doesnt install the files to LocalAppdata folder, due to which the shortcut also doesnt launch. I Understand the issue is, SCCM deploys through System context and hence this issue.

Kindly suggest as to what can be done in that case to deploy the package through SCCM and work fine.

I tried adding Active setup with StubPath: msiexec /fpaums [ProductCode] /qn, which still failed.

The active setup was running, but the files are not installed under Local Appdata folder.

Kindly advise

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Answers (2)

Posted by: basshunter53 7 years ago
White Belt
Hi sindhuseethapathi,

I thought I'd post my findings for others and yourself. Also, thanks for the link rileyz, that was a helpful read, I am also new to packaging. 

1. Download Qlik Sense Desktop from their website, you get one .exe file.
2. To extract/obtain msi files out of this exe file I did Qlik_Sense_Desktop_setup.exe-layout "C:\tmp" this gives three msi files.
3. To change the install directory for Qlik Sense Desktop I did msiexec /i "c:\tmp\AttachedContainer\SenseDesktop.msi" INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Qlik Sense Desktop\"
4. ^ Add your appropriate silents switches and what not to that. (I have not tested this is under system account just yet, about to do that step. 

Posted by: rileyz 8 years ago
Red Belt
Hummm. Guess your pretty new to the Application Packaging Team?

First, I think you need to read this essential book, The Definitive Guide to Windows Installer.

Your possible issues
  • Your shortcut is not a entry point, check that its a Advertised Shortcut.
  • Your component does not have a KeyPath set.
  • The property ALLUSERS is not set to 1
    This is very unlikely to fix your issue I suspect.

  • Active setup, don't use it, you may as well kill some kittens.
  • Installs files to LocalAppdata, I hope this isn't executable/core app files, if so it should really go into Program Files.
  • Ding +1, at least you know it installed with a SYSTEM account.

Err, good luck.

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