
Patch download location

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Our patches are downloading to users temp folder, is there a way to customize the location of where patches download? We would like patches to be pushed to a dedicated folder.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Channeler 6 years ago
Red Belt

Patches are downloaded from the Kbox to C:\ProgramData\Quest\Kace\Patches  folder.

If a patch requires TEMP folder, the OS (WUSA.exe), will use that C:\Windows\Temp folder to install them.

That was a request a year ago, before KACE would download and extract patches in TEMP, but not anymore, since version 8.1, unfortunately, there is no option yet?, to set a fixed path.


  • I am currently evaluating KACE SMA and was curious as to the location of the downloads. Thank you for sharing. - Andy_V 5 years ago

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