
pdf in a sequence (SG)

Alright, I know I'm asking a lot of questions lately. I've done a few Softgrid POC's before but no full-on sequencing jobs so I'm learning the product's limitations.

I have an app that installs some shortcuts to some pdfs that will exist in the bubble. When I launch the shortcuts, the virtualized Adobe (in a different bubble) launches but it of course can't find the pdf as it's isolated in the other bubble.

Is there an easy way of fixing this issue. All I can think of at the moment is:
1) sequencing Adobe a second time, this time in the bubble with the pdfs (seems like a huge waste of disk as Adobe is massive these days)
2) sequencing Foxit in the bubble (less than 5 MB)
3) using an OSD script that copies the PDF's to the local disk (would it have to be from a network drive or can you still sequence the pdf's and sneak them out of the bubble with a script)?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: kkaminsk 16 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
I'm seeing this issue a fair bit at a site I am at so you aren't alone with this one.

1) Yep, but remember to call AcroRd32.exe from the same sequence and call the document as a parameter in the OSD.
2) Never tried that but if you are concerned about space then use that or feature block one.
3)Yeah I've asked people to put the PDF files on the network if possible or reconfigure where the application dumps out the PDF reports.

With SoftGrid 4.5 you could use Dynamic Suite Composition to have the Adobe sequence gain access to the application's sequence.
Posted by: BadShadd 16 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
I had this same issue when I was developing a SoftGrid User's Guide to have placed on all SoftGrid-enabled systems - Adobe Reader is already installed on my customer's basic system load so I didn't want to revirtualize it.

I got some help at http://www.softgridguru.com/viewtopic.php?t=2303&start=20 where DannyC helped me out.

Here's what I came up with & it works everytime regardless if the user has Adobe Reader already opened or not. Only the PDF files are virtualized & my package is around 4MB.

PARAMETERS="/n &quot;%SFT_MNT%\SG_Docs.v01\SoftGrid User Guide.pdf&quot;"
FILENAME="%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\acrord32.exe"
Hope this helps. After launching this virtual PDF, I can browse the Q: to open other PDFs in the same app directory. I figure that 4.5 may allow me to eventually browse all directories under Q:, but I haven't gone there yet - currently I get an error.
Posted by: turbokitty 16 years ago
6th Degree Black Belt
BadShadd, this solution wouldn't apply to me because Adobe Reader is virtualized, but it's interesting all the same. I'll probably use this for something else later.
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