Post Installation tasks not running in Win7x64 WIM image
I currently have a small handful of PI tasks as well as the PI Task Coverter as a mid-level task, but still, none of my PI tasks are executing at all. When deployment completes, I am left with the C:\KACE directory intact, as well as C:\kcleanup.exe in place. The first, and most important PI task - the K1000 Agent - isn't even running.
Anyone have any tips for how to troubleshoot? I have tried a dozen deployments with the PI tasks ordered every which way to no avail. Is there even a log somewhere I can check to trace the issue? It would be wonderful if Kace threw an error somewhere for this sort of thing. Please advise, thank you!
Answers (1)
In case anyone bumps into this issue, and is coming from an Altiris DS 6.9 environment - it could be that the dagent that is installed on your image is preventing something from executing properly during mini-setup.
I created a new image without the altiris Dagent, and created a brand new unattend file with the new version of the sysprep creator, made some changes to it specific to my environment with WAIK, and captured the image again (as a single partition per a prior recommendation). Either of these, or possibly the combination, seems to have entirely resolved my issues.
Thanks to everyone for the feedback
When I run the installcmds.bat file, whatever PI tasks I have in there work just fine. I know it's not a problem with the tasks - something is getting list in translation between my image and the kbox. Will report back with the results from above shortly - dgretch 11 years ago
What does this exe check to determine if the machine is sysprepped? I really can't imagine why it thinks the machine is not sysprepped. As far as I've known, the machine is either sysprepped, or it isnt, and this image is most definitely sysprepped.
and just for good measure...................SYSPREPPED. - dgretch 11 years ago
$SYSPREP = RegRead("HKLM\System\Setup", "SystemSetupInProgress")
If $SYSPREP = 0 Then
This value was initially at 0, for what reason I do not know. Even after setting it to 1, however, runonceex_converter is still throwing an error suggesting that the image is not sysprepped. - dgretch 11 years ago