
PowerShell: Copy all folders with a specific name from .txt file?

$applications = get-content c:\applications.txt
foreach-object {Get-ChildItem "\\sdlcorpwwps01\WiseSharePoint\Projects" -Recurse | Where-Object {($_.PSIsContainer) -AND $_.NAME -eq $applications} | Move-Item -Destination "\\sdlcorpwwps01\smspkgsource$\Archives\Projects"}

Every time I run this command it wants to copy all the folders. I will be using this script to automate our archiving process. Any help?

Thanks! :D

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Hi,
    I'm just starting my PowerShell adventure so my suggestion is basing on my VBS knowledge. I think that there might be a problem with $applications array and its usage in -eq operator. Usually comparison is done between two items so based on VBS syntax I would try with additional foreach to enumerate $applications list:

    $applications = get-content "c:\applications.txt"
    foreach ($App in $applications){
    foreach-object {Get-ChildItem "\\sdlcorpwwps01\WiseSharePoint\Projects" -Recurse | Where-Object {($_.PSIsContainer) -AND $_.NAME -eq $App} | Move-Item -Destination "\\sdlcorpwwps01\smspkgsource$\Archives\Projects"}
    } - rad33k 10 years ago
    • This worked for one of the folders but I need all of then in my .txt file to be moved.

      https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzYq22atosQPS09QUG9kdVJELWs/edit?usp=sharing - mlubbers 10 years ago
      • Are there any errors in the PowerShell console?
        I've tested it with local paths and worked fine for all your folders.
        Maybe the problem is with Move-item cmdlet and network paths:
        My another thought is maybe you didn't wait for the completion of the job - as there are over hundred of entries in TXT file and probably much more directories in your REPO it probably will take awhile to finish. - rad33k 10 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: refLye 10 years ago
White Belt
Here is a suggestion:

$baseDir = "E:\test"
$targetDir = "E:\test\target"
$toCopyPath = "E:\test\tocopy.txt"

$toCopy = Get-Content $toCopyPath

$toCopy | ForEach-Object {
  Copy-Item "$baseDir\$_" $targetDir -Recurse -Force

Content of tocopy.txt


The folder hierarchy:


│   │   copy.ps1
│   │   tocopy.txt
│   │
│   ├───foldera
│   ├───folderb
│   ├───folderc
│   └───target
│       ├───folderb
│       └───folderc

The yellow marked folders are created after copy.ps1 has started.

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