
Problem in the Patch application

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I have a problem in the Patch application, in the PAtch manager it informs me that the patch has been applied successfully, but when I check the machine it is not installed.

This is happening on many machines in my network.

Observer also the label of the patch and is correct, I do not know the reason for this error.

Has anyone seen anything like this?

 Kace is informing me okay.

But on the local machine is not installed.

Patch Label is okay as well.

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Your Result says:

    Patched : 0

    So nothing was patched... You might want to run a Detect Only Job against that device with that same Label. - Channeler 5 years ago
  • But the machine is outdated, you should apply the patch - madro 5 years ago
    • If there is no Detection Job flagging a patch as missing, it will not be applied.

      Also it will not be applied if the patch is already there (as part of a Cumulative Update), Superseded (a patch that's no longer needed because there is a new version of the patch)or not applicable to that OS. - Channeler 5 years ago
      • image on post. I have the cumulative package for all the OS in my network.
        For some reason it's not being sent.I have the cumulative package for all the OS in my network. - madro 5 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 5 years ago
Red Belt

There are plenty of great resources to learn about the process of patching from Quest.com, if you would prefer one 2 one or custom training, we can provide that by the hour remotely, just reach out ;o)

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