
Quarantine Windows XP Machines

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I am having no success attempting to quarantine machines. I would like to quarantine Windows XP machines when they check-in to the K1000. My goal would be to restrict access to network resources for any Windows XP machine that connects. HAs anyone accomplished this or something similar? Perhaps I could script something?

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Red Belt

If they are in a domain you can use a gpo.  Also you can create a script that only runs to xp machines and push the changes you want via a batch file.  You are mentioning network resources, here that involves a lot of things figuring workstations, servers, domains and internet.  What exactly are you trying to restict them from? 

  • Ideally, a Windows XP machine would be identified (by K1000 smart label) and then some sort of action would initiate that would restrict network access (I thought quarantine actually killed traffic from the NIC, but I may be mistaken). Or, a script that would automatically log off or shut down the machine when a user logs in if the computer is running XP. - rockhead44 10 years ago
    • you can create a kscript the run shutdown on login. check the "deploy it to all machines" and only choose xp versions under the "pick specific OS versions", set the schedule to run once every day and check all the boxes (run at client checkin, machine boot up, user login, while disconnected, while logged off.
      You can also create a script to disable the nic

      netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection" admin=disabled

      Subsitute the actual network connection name if it isn't Local Area Connection. - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
      • the command for shut down
        Launch %WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe with params /C shutdown -s -f -t 1 - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
      • I'll try that script for the NIC. Thanks.
        I tested the shutdown script yesterday and it works but only at check-in or, as you say, on a time schedule. Once it runs once nothing precludes the user from turning the machine on again and logging in. - rockhead44 10 years ago
      • I have to take back what I said in my last comment. That XP shutdown script I created yesterday seems to be working now. After 1 minute, the machine shuts down. - rockhead44 10 years ago

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