
Queues and sub-queues

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I am trying to get some ideas as to what would be the best way to lay out our ticket system.

Basically I am creating 4 Queues but would like to have sub-queues underneath those if that is something that is possible. See below to get a rough idea of what I mean.



     PC techs


     Web Development

     HW/SW Provisioning





     Telephone Directory

The idea behind this is that employees in a queue (let's say PC Techs) can sort tickets by just their own tickets or the department's tickets without having to see all of IT.

Our idea is to have a main IT queue with a helpdesk team that sees all open tickets and they can assign those to the different queues. Once in a subqueue the ticket owner can see that ticket but also the rest of the techs in that queue can see the ticket if they choose to.

Any advise as to what the best way is to accomplish this?

      Phone provisioning

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • The way we tackle groups in KACE is to create dummy users for each group. So to use your example, have an IT Queue and within the IT Queue create users _Q_Network and _Q_PC Techs etc the naming convention will group them together on the user listing. Then for all the techs in the Network group set up a custom view that shows all their own tickets and those assigned to _Q_Network.

    Using this you can have the queues and then the subgroups within each queue - Hobbsy 9 years ago

Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: h2opolo25 9 years ago
Red Belt
No sub queues are possible in KACE as far as I know. You can create Categories and Sub Categories though. This way you create one IT queue with Network, PC Tech, Programming, Web Dev and HW/SW Categories, then create sub categories for each. Then you can create custom views that show techs new and own tickets for that specific Category.

....Or you can create different queues for each which will give you more flexibility as to who has access to what tickets in IT. This way if you want to have a tech that can only see Network tickets you can do that while still having the ability to have techs that see all queues. You can also set the default queue for a user which is helpful.
Posted by: raul102801 9 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

Thanks for your comments.... I think I came up with the solution I was looking for. I already had the different categories under the IT Queue but this wasn't helping me isolate the tickets that needed to be displayed to users in each group so after the 1st comment suggesting creating the different queues I started thinking about it and I think the way I am going to do this is creating all the queues I want and assign the user groups to those accordingly, then only allow users as submitters on the top level queue I want (IT queue) that way they don't see all the different queues when opening a ticket which is what I was trying to avoid. Our helpdesk users will be allowed as submitters for all queues so will see all queues when submitting a ticket for a user. That way if a user opens a ticket in the portal, it will go to the main queue as they won't see any others and a helpdesk technician can then assign that to the proper tech in the proper queue.

I need to do some testing to ensure that this will work as expected but unless I am missing something I think this should work. While a ticket is unassigned, it will be in the main IT queue. With this setup, the technicians in the different queues can sort their tickets to tickets assigned to them but also tickets in the corresponding queue they belong to.

If someone sees a problem with this approach, please let me know

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