Rational Application Developer for Websphere 7.0 - creating a silent install
I was able to get this running as a silent install under Radia. This is a 2 part install and this is what I had to do:
1) Get version 1.1 of the installer from
There's a problem with the 1.0 version that it will always try to go to the internet for updates regardless of what you select
2) Copy the 10 CD's to a server share, using names Disk1 through Disk10. Make a separate folder for the installer. Because I was making a silent install to be delivered by Radia, the local system account must have access to the folder.
3) Install the IBM Installation Manager. Once installed, run the installer. Select File; Preferences: click the add repository button and enter the full path to the folder for Disk one. Check the button "search service repositories during installation and updates", and save those settings.
4) Follow the instructions to create the response file and save it where you can find it. eg, C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\IBMIMC.exe -record c:\response.xml
Do your normal selections for components to install, go through 'Install', once it's in that portion, Cancel the install. Now save the response.xml file somewhere with your install folder.
5) I created a Winbatch, that checks for existence of the installer program. If not found and space is available, it installs Installation Manager program, waiting till it completes before proceeding.
eg. "\\XYZSvr\Share$\Rad7\IM1_1\installc.exe" "-silent -installall -log c:\batch\IM_Inst.xml"
6) The Winbatch then checks for existence of Rad7 and space (about 3.5 gig) and installs it if it has space
eg. "C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\IBMIMc.exe" "-silent -input c:\Batch\Rad7\Rad7IC.xml -log c:\batch\Rad7\Rad7Ilog.xml"
Sample of the Rad7iC.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<repository location="\\XYZSvr\Share$\Rad7\disk1'/>
<profile id='IBM Software Development Platform' installLocation='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70'>
<data key='eclipseLocation' value='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70'/>
<data key='cic.selector.nl' value='en'/>
<offering features='com.ibm.rad.sdpcore,com.ibm.rad.jre,com.ibm.rad.webtools_core,com.ibm.rad.j2ee_web_services,com.ibm.rad.jve,com.ibm.rad.viz_editors,com.ibm.rad.code_review,com.ibm.rad.tptp,com.ibm.rad.clearcase,com.ibm.rad.rup,com.ibm.rad.was_core,com.ibm.rad.was_compile_dep,com.ibm.rad.was61_ute,com.ibm.rad.pde,com.ibm.rad.data_tools,com.ibm.rad.struts_tools,com.ibm.rad.was51_ute,com.ibm.rad.was60_ute' id='com.ibm.rational.application.developer' profile='IBM Software Development Platform' version=''/>
<preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.eclipseCache' value='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70Shared'/>
<preference name='offering.service.repositories.areUsed' value='false'/>
Radia delivers both the Winbatch and the input xml file used for Rad7 onto the pc.
Radia then has a zcreate and a zdelete command to execute the Winbatch. The winbatch determines what it wants (install or deinstall) then either does the installs or deinstall of the application (leaving the installer - needed to deinstall or use by other applications).
The application does not have either a verify or repair function in it, so if the app breaks, you have to uninstall then reinstall.
The install itself does not check for updates, if that's attempted, that also breaks the automated silent install.
This is how I created a install/deinstall for Rad7 with the source on a server share, using Radia to initiate a silent install.
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Posted by:
16 years ago
I have come to find out there's also a license to deal with. There's a doc on the IBM website that explains creating a silent install for that. Looks to be very similar to creating the silent install for the app (to not deal with a licensing server etc).
Hope this helps someone out in the future.
Hope this helps someone out in the future.
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