
Receiving 404 Not Found Error

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Description: I am experiencing a 404 Not Found Error error when trying to access endpoints of the KACE API. I am able to generate the jwt token by using this url https://url/ams/shared/api/security/login , and after this i am also able to authenticate for 2Fa authentication method , with the url: https://url/ams/shared/api/security/verify_2factor. But when i am trying to fetch data using other api's like :



etc, i receive 404 error code. I don't understand why is that the so?

  • Error Received404 Not Found
  • Response Body:empty.
  • API Endpoint: -->https://url/api/users/users


and all the other api endpoints, unable to fetch any data.

  • Authentication Method: JWT token
  • KACE Version: 13.2.182

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Answers (1)

Posted by: KevinG 7 months ago
Red Belt

I verified that the following API calls work on 13.2.





You may want to set up a dev SMA without 2FA to retest. Use the SMA admin user while testing.

If you still have an issue, put your API calls into a Postman collection and post the exported JSON file.

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