Registry policy to block IE 10 installation. Having trouble getting it to the right place in Win7x64
I went to Scripting >> Configuration Policies >> Registry >> named it "prevent IE10 install"
In the "Registry File" box I typed:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Setup\10.0]
Then I pushed it out to my x64 machine. It installed, but in HKLM\software\wow6432node.
Two questions, perhaps only 1.
1) will it being added there actually prevent it from being installed (assuming the keys are correct, and I'm pretty sure they are). If not,
2) How do I tell it to install in the location listed in the policy instead of the wow6432node location?
Answers (1)
In answer to my first question, it being in wow6432node location DID NOT prevent IE10 from showing in Windows Updates. I had to manually put it in the location I wanted it in in order for it to disappear from Windows Updates.
As a followup perhaps better there a video or something specifically helping me with Registry scripts inside the 1000? There's a danged link specifically for it, so I'd think it'd be an integrated and easy piece to deal with.
I believe all you need to do is change the key to
[HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Setup\10.0] - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago-
That's counter-intuitive, but that worked, thank you! - DanHarmon 10 years ago
the reason is the client is 32bit so it gets pointed to the syswow64 by the system, that tells the system to get back in the 64bit hive - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
The Kace agent is 32-bit application that's why you have to force it to look to the 64-bit keys. Otherwise it will default to the wow6432 node. - jegolf 10 years ago
- - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago