
Report to find duplicate users on the K1000?

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We have the K1000 set up to import users from AD at 7:00am every morning.  We started running into an issue where the K1000 is showing duplicate user names.  Does anyone know why this is happening or even if I can generate a report to find the duplicate users?  Thanks

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

you could create that in SQL but quick easy way if you do not mind scrolling is to create a wizard report and choose user for topic, check user name for field to display, on the sort and break page check break header on, view the report in html and if any user name has more then 1 row there is a duplicate.

  • Thank you...i figured out our issue. It turns out our users can log in with their email address also. This seems to be creating duplicate users on the K1000. Is there a way to stop them from being able to log in with their email? - mjreccoppa 9 years ago
    • We have a similar problem with multiple email aliases. I am not aware of an easy fix. Here is a related uservoice request: https://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-k1000/suggestions/2352429-recognize-users-by-more-than-one-e-mail-address - JasonEgg 9 years ago
      • Thankk you...I read this one also and you're right..Not really any easy fix to it. I have a theory now why it's doing it, but there is no fix unless we rename our internal domain and change logins....which no. - mjreccoppa 9 years ago

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