
salesForce for Outlook deployment

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I am trying to deploy Salesforce For Outlook in a 64-bit machine. Able to do silent install using .exe with the following cmd Salesforceforoutlook.exe /exenoui /exelang 1033 /qn /norestart, when tried to deploy in SCCM 2012, only the dependencies are installing but not the SalesForce.

So I have extracted the .exe and got salesforceforoutlook.msi, when tried to install it is not working. when i double click its just starting and closes, and the log says the product is installed successfully.

Please help me.





3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • When I double-click the msi file, it is not installing. It launches the that setup is preparing and then the screen vanishes. I tried to uninstall using the product code in elevated mode. it says "works only for installed products"

    What changes should be made to the .msi, so that I can deploy using SCCM - harithaggnn 10 years ago
  • Check the application event log to see why the MSI is not installing, or enable verbose logging for the MSI install. We need to figure out exactly why the program is failing to install before a solution can be found. - EdT 10 years ago
  • harithaggnn. Silently deploying with MSI isn't supported anymore. Here's 1 of a few notices I've found on it:

    Were you able to come up with a way to install the plugin silently to the user? - bens401 9 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: EdT 10 years ago
Red Belt
As the configuration of Outlook involves files held in the user profile, deploying using a system account is bound to fail since the outlook configuration cannot be accessed. Try installing the salesforceforoutlook.msi in user context.  What is happening in your silent deployment is that salesforceforoutlook.msi is actually installing, but the user components are missing when you try to run as a user. Therefore when you try to reinstall, you get the already installed message.
Find the product code of this msi, then uninstall it using msiexec /x <product code> /qb! using an elevated command prompt. Then try reinstalling as an elevated user and retest outlook.

As for a deployable solution, you will need to examine the salesforceforoutlook.msi and determine whether the components are configured to install to the user, the machine or both. Then reconfigure the MSI to allow self healing via active setup or some other means.

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