
SCCM Manual Capture Failed

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Hi Everyone,

Today I ran a manual capture of a reference image that I wanted. I followed this page's instructions: https://www.windows-noob.com/forums/topic/5070-how-can-i-capture-an-image-using-capture-media-in-configmgr-2012/?p=18356&forcePrint=1

After going through everything and once I was at the last step, I got a failure message with error code 0x800704CF. However, after getting the failed message, the computer continued with a reboot and performed sysprep. Once that completed, I was not able to set up with the language English. I am stuck with whatever I understand the most, Spanish. Please help!!! Thanks in advance!!!

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Answers (1)

Posted by: rileyz 8 years ago
Red Belt


Hi, have a look at this blog for that: http://www.kozeniauskas.com/itblog/2008/05/12/sccm-image-capture-wizard-has-failed-with-error-code-0%C3%97800704cf/
It mentions: This basically means that the network drive that you are trying to capture image to cannot be accessed. Make sure that the user you’ve provided in capture wizard has enough rights to access the network drive and write to it.
Do do you capture the OS image on the SCCM server or a different server?
This because the computer account of the system hosting the SMS Provider (most of times the SCCM server itself) needs permissions to the files!
Just add the computer account and try again.

When you're in the PE environment, press the the F8 key to get a console up - in the console find the mapped drive and see if you can write to it. If you're lazy you can just use notepad and use the File Open dialog, as thats a Windows Explorer something something - so you can transverse the file system etc.


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