service desk blank ticket title
After upgrading to 5.4 I noticed that when a user email a ticket into the service desk without a subject the ticket has no title. In the Kace service desk you cannot click on the ticket or do anything to it. In 5.3 when this happened it would say no subject or something like that but you could still click on the ticket to edit it.
Anyone else have this issue after the updated to 5.4 ?
Answers (1)
Sounds like a bug to me since it's regression behaviour that was not advertised in the release notes. Please contact support to report that and tie your request to a bug entry.
I recommend that folks like the "TICK:" column in the ticket list. I recommend this for brevity and clarity of the number but it would also help in this case to give you something to click on.
This is something that I would consider important for 5.4 sp1 release (Q1 2013) if you could provide a business case describing the paint, but that decision is not up to me.
As a bridge solution you could have a ticket rule to workaround it. I cannot attach kpkgs to answers but i've put it here: you can import it as a resource (see documentation)
Here's a screenshot of the rule