Set INSTALLDIR to root directory?
In Wise Package Studio, I want to do the following. (or in ORCA)
In my .mst I want to change installation default directory from
C:\program files\app (this is vendor default)
I have played around with the Directory table, and INSTALLDIR. But I need help to get it right.
I just cant manage to set it to root directory or find out wich environment variable to use.
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Posted by:
12 years ago
Create a log file during installation and find the property that the installation directory is set to. Use a Set Property custom action then to change the location.
or you can change the app directory parent from ProgramFilesFolder to TARGETDIR. - dannyarya 12 years ago
I have tried to change the app directory parent to TARGETDIR. The result is that the .msi installation
comes up with the error that it doesnt find the media in ...\app\filename.dll and so on.
When I use the command line,
msiexec /i INSTALLDIR="C:\app" app.msi
then it works like a charm. But as you know its not possible to use msi command lines with gpo sw deployment. - zzpack 12 years ago