Shutdown CMD Fails to Restart Windows 7?
As part of my Post-Installation tasks, I have some additonal commands entered into HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run to be run after first reboot. My very post-installation task reboots the computer, and then the very last Run entry is yet another reboot.
The issue I am experiencing is that the first reboot works fine, but for some minority percentage of Scripted Installs, the second reboot doesn't actually seem to happen. This seems to be a new issue.
Is there anything that would prevent the Shutdown command from being able to reboot the computer? One obvious issue could be open applications, but I have the timer parameter specified, and so it would force close any such applications. Are there any other explanations?
Answers (1)
Are you using the Postinstall Task Converter, so that your PostInstall tasks survive the reboot?
My postinstall tasks are fine. The issue is that the shutdown command is failing for a subset of the machines. For instance, I run the scripted install on 30 machines, and 4 of them fail to reboot their second time. The other 26 finish perfectly. - muebel 11 years ago
That is odd. Is it only when you are pushing out 30+ at a time? Do you have a failure rate if you run only 20 or so at a time? - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
the failure rate seems to be the same for any amount of simultaneous runs. and this is something that has only recently started to happen - muebel 11 years ago
Just so I understand this correctly, you have:
Scripted Install Deploys
Boots into Windows
Reboot PostInstall Task
Items in Run key install
Second Reboot Task
Is that correct? - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago-
yup, except the second reboot task is a run key entry - muebel 11 years ago
Have you tried making the Second Entry a full Reboot task? Using the converter posted above would allow the extra tasks to persist past the first reboot. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago