
Siemens Desigo CC silent install

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Hey there,

I'm at the moment packaging a software called Siemens Desigo CC Client. 

Basically a silent install is working but the installer is waiting for a reboot and thus my script is not continuing.

Does anyone have experience with this software?

I am starting the silent install with "Gms.InstallerSetup.exe /q "xml_file""

Thank you.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: JasonEgg 3 years ago
Red Belt

you can add the "n" switch to suppress the restart:

Gms.InstallerSetup.exe /qn "xml_file"

If the computer NEEDS to be restarted right after the install then I would use a script and add a final task that prompts the user to reboot.

  • Hey Jason,
    sadly I do get this error message.

    "Error, invalid command line parameter" - derzico 3 years ago
    • try incriminating the exe on the command line by running Gms.InstallerSteup.exe with the switch /? or /help - JasonEgg 3 years ago
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