
Silent Install Issue with AutoCAD

Hi, I was trying to run execute Autodesk 2011 silently , I used the below command for execution.

Setup.exe /t /qb /Language en-US /c ACAD: INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2011" ACADSERIALPREFIX=xxx ACADSERIALNUMBER=xxxxxxxx ADLM_PRODKEY=xxxxx ACADFIRSTNAME="A" ACADLASTNAME="User" ACADORGANIZATION="Users Corporation" InstallLevel=5

I have given the correct serial number and product key but I still get an error saying "Setup is unable to validate your Serial number or Product key"

Please provide solution for this issue if any.


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Answers (5)

Posted by: andemats 13 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
Could this have something to do with what type of license you use?
Posted by: geetha 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
We use N/W license. Hope the same command is used for it.
Posted by: andemats 13 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
Have you tried ProcMon?
Might be the installation trying to "phone home" to validate and something blocking it?
Posted by: jmaclaurin 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Be sure to follow the Network Administration and Deployment section carefully. I'd also suggest you consider copying the files local prior to starting the install. You can do this while still using the a Network deployment by specifying the location that it will be copied locally to instead of a network share. You might have better success.

Another thing to test is whether the install can be used by other users post install. We discovered that the installation (by design) is taylored to properly work ONLY for the user that performs the install. May not sound like much of an issue, unless you are planning a mass deployment using something like SCCM where the account performing the install is likely not the logged in user but rather the System account. You will find that others have posted on this site that this is not the case, but they also don't come out and describe how they were able to overcome this problem. When you dig further, you will see that there is heavy reference to file locations hard coded to the installing user's profile under HKLM, and this is where the problem starts since users don't generally have the ability to write to other user's profiles, and even more so in Windows 7.
Posted by: niveknonrev 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Have you tried creating the install image directory as recommended by Autodesk?
then it will work properly pointing to the INI file and proper source directory, and it does not seem to like unc paths.

This may help
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