
Silent install of Quicktime on windows

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I am having issues with the silent/unattended install of quicktime on windows via SCCM to windows 7 or windows xp (be it fresh VMs or machines with older versions of quicktime).


Action start 13:22:00: LaunchConditions.

MSI (s) (C0:34) [13:22:00:333]: Product: QuickTime -- A newer version of QuickTime is already installed.  This installation cannot proceed while the newer version of QuickTime is installed.

A newer version of QuickTime is already installed.  This installation cannot proceed while the newer version of QuickTime is installed.

Action ended 13:22:00: LaunchConditions. Return value 3.

Action ended 13:22:00: INSTALL. Return value 3.



I have taken the latest version download, ran QuickTimeInstaller.exe /extract to get the files, opened in adminstudio tuner

Go to Transform -> New Transform, and then make the following modifications:

- LaunchCondition -> NOT BNEWERPRODUCTISINSTALLED: Right click and drop this row.


as well as getting rid of icons & such. If I open the msi/mst in orca it does indeed show my changes, however running

msiexec /i QuickTime.msi TRANSFORMS=QuickTime.mst /qn /l qt2.log

yeilds the same errors as if i ignored including the transform file


For kicks I even edited/saved the msi file directly dropping the NOT BNEWERPRODUCTISINSTALLED and it *STILL* comes up with the same error.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: Tanya_ 12 years ago
Senior White Belt

I’ve just tried new version 7.7.2 and it worked for me. I have the following configurations, may be it can help you.

-           Application support was installed first

-          My command line is: msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2 /m MSIUIGCO /i "QuickTime.msi" TRANSFORMS=quicktime.mst /norestart

-          Transform:

In Direct Editor:


CheckBox Table - Change ChkOptInstASU Value to 0

Properties table






Removed all shortcuts in shortcuts

  • Well, I redownloaded the 7.7.2, extracted it, created a new .mst with all your options. Created a new software/advertisement for SCCM & it actually deployed without the 1603 previous version installed. Not sure why dropping NOT BNEWERPRODUCTISINSTALLED that was recommended previously did not work (yes, I verified via orca & adminstudio tuner that it had been dropped in previous MST), but it does this time. Now the only thing I need is to stop the task tray icon from popping up (I verified QT_TRAY_ICON #0 & other task tray icon settings). I am going to do some additional testing with this, but perhaps this is actually/finally working! - kkbass 12 years ago
  • Tanya - using all of your settings (mst & command line) but changing QT_TRAY_ICON to #2 gets rid of the task tray, & it seems to distribute through SCCM without a 1603 error. It would seem dropping NOT BNEWERPRODUCTISINSTALLED on its own was not good enough, but pairing it with the changes to Admin/Securecustom properties seems to have done it. However running the app on winxpsp3 just brings up a mini setup. Run it a second time & it says problem with shortcut fatal error during installation. Two steps forward, one step backwards.....shesh! Command line install on win7 obviously still works, but XP finishes the install however but same problem upon launching. XP was giving me that same error when QT_TRAY_ICON was set to #0. Not sure what in the mst is causing this issue with XP. Did you experience this with XP as well? - kkbass 12 years ago
  • Hi, couldn't for the life of me get Quicktime 7.72 to install, but your instructions seems to actually work with ConfigMgr 2007 deployment. Didn't remove as much, but still worked. Thanks for sharing. - tostep 12 years ago
Posted by: adilrathore 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

1603 is file permissions issue. Check this link:


  • •The folder that you are trying to install the Windows Installer package to is encrypted. - nothing on the multiple computers is encrypted, especially c:\program files (x86)\quicktime
    •The drive that contains the folder that you are trying to install the Windows Installer package to is accessed as a substitute drive. - Single partition, no subt going on here
    •The SYSTEM account does not have Full Control permissions on the folder that you are trying to install the Windows Installer package to. You notice the error message because the Windows Installer service uses the SYSTEM account to install software. - Even when it fails it does create the c:\program files\quicktime (on xp) or c:\program files (x86)\quicktime (on win7x64) and writes a few files to it. Looking at the folder created SYSTEM has all rights to it. - kkbass 12 years ago
Posted by: Tanya_ 12 years ago
Senior White Belt


As a workaround I can suggest you to create a separate program in SCCM to run before quicktime install and remove this key HKCR\installer\products\890B46E081086524AB323C614AA39D0B from registry and then if you re-run QT again, this program will run first again and there will be no problem to install QT.

Do you install Apple application support before QT?

  • That would be handy if HKCR\installer\products\890B46E081086524AB323C614AA39D0B (or anything quicktime) existed on these brand new fresh xp/win7 VMs to delete. The only thing installed on the VMs before running the sccm advertisement for quicktime (yes, installing application support first) is the current windows updates. 7.7.2 or earlier was never on the fresh VMs. - kkbass 12 years ago
Posted by: adilrathore 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

Check if Quicktime folder exists in the Program Files folder, if yes delete it. Also look for files folders in C:\drive containing quicktime phrase and delete them.

Also, go to HKLM/Software and delete the Apple Computer entry.

  • Yes, I can do cleanup on an invidividual machine easy enough, but not 1000+. The issue is also noted above is that it happens on a *clean install* in test VMs that never had quicktime on them previously. Is there some solution to installing this in an automated fashion (doing it via SCCM in this case, but it fails even on the command line as well). - kkbass 12 years ago
  • Just tried it with the newly released 7.2.2, same issues. No progress. SCCM installs still giving me 1603 errors. - kkbass 12 years ago
  • msiexec.exe /i quicktime.msi /l qt.log for 7.7.2

    === Logging started: 5/17/2012 13:18:18 ===
    Action 13:18:18: INSTALL.
    Action start 13:18:18: INSTALL.
    Action 13:18:18: PreventDowngrade.
    Action start 13:18:18: PreventDowngrade.
    Action ended 13:18:18: PreventDowngrade. Return value 1.
    Action 13:18:18: QuickTimePreInstallMSIProc. Gathering QuickTime information
    Action start 13:18:18: QuickTimePreInstallMSIProc.
    QuickTimePreInstallMSIProc entered.
    Calling QuickTimePreInstallProc(kQTInstallRunSilent)
    QuickTimePreInstallProc returned 0L
    QuickTimePreInstallMSIProc exiting. ==> 0L
    Action ended 13:18:18: QuickTimePreInstallMSIProc. Return value 1.
    Action 13:18:18: CheckQTPublicPreview1.
    Action start 13:18:18: CheckQTPublicPreview1.
    Action ended 13:18:18: CheckQTPublicPreview1. Return value 1.
    Action 13:18:18: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions
    Action start 13:18:18: LaunchConditions.
    Info 2898. For Tahoma8 textstyle, the system created a 'Tahoma' font, in 0 character set, of 13 pixels height.
    A newer version of QuickTime is already installed. This installation cannot proceed while the newer version of QuickTime is installed.
    MSI (c) (24:6C) [13:18:20:484]: Product: QuickTime -- A newer version of QuickTime is already installed. This installation cannot proceed while the newer version of QuickTime is installed.
    Action ended 13:18:20: LaunchConditions. Return value 3.
    Action 13:18:20: SetupCompleteError.
    Action start 13:18:20: SetupCompleteError.
    Info 2898. For TahomaBold8 textstyle, the system created a 'Tahoma' font, in 0 character set, of 13 pixels height.
    Action 13:18:20: SetupCompleteError. Dialog created
    Action ended 13:18:21: SetupCompleteError. Return value 2.
    Action ended 13:18:21: INSTALL. Return value 3.
    === Logging stopped: 5/17/2012 13:18:21 ===

    If I manually delete HKCR\installer\products\890B46E081086524AB323C614AA39D0B I can then run the msi/mst install via command line, but if I readvertise from SCCM it still fails. - kkbass 12 years ago

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