
Quicktime fails with Error 1334 when deployed via K1000, but runs when run manually.


I'm trying to deploy Quicktime via the K1000.

I was able to deploy the previous Quicktime version by:

- Getting Quicktime.exe from apple

- Extracting it

- Copying AppleApplicationSupport.msi, QuickTime.msi, and QuickTimeInstallerAdmin.exe into a folder

- Creating a bat file in that folder that says "msiexec /i "QuickTime.msi" /passive DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=NO SCHEDULE_ASUW=0 ASUWINSTALLED=0

msiexec /i "AppleApplicationSupport.msi" /passive" and calling it "install.bat"

- Zipping all of these up and uploading it to KACE, then setting the scripted install to run "install.bat"


When I do this with Quicktime and try to deploy it via a scripted install, the machine throws error 1334, saying a file cannot be installed because it cannot be found in 'QuickTime.cab'.  

If I copy the same folder I made to a machine without Quicktime on it, open a command promt, and run "install.bat" manually it installs without this error.


Any ideas?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Mike.Hughes 10 years ago
White Belt

Ok, so I just battled with this exact issue and here is the solution:

Switch the quicktime.msi and appleapplicationsupport.msi lines. The issue: Apple requires both to be installed for QuickTime (and iTunes for that matter), but what you are running into is the quicktime.msi file looking for a .cab file that hasn't been installed yet, which gets installed by the AppleApplicationSupport.msi


If your bat looks like this:

msiexec /i "C:\(path)\QuickTime.msi" /passive DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=No SCHEDULE_ASUW=0 ASUWINSTALLED=0msiexec /i "C:\(path)\AppleApplicationSupport.msi" /passive

It needs to look like this:

msiexec /i "C:\(path)\AppleApplicationSupport.msi" /passive
msiexec /i "C:\(path)\QuickTime.msi" /passive DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=No SCHEDULE_ASUW=0 ASUWINSTALLED=0


Simple, I know, but I struggled with it for two days when I just thought to switch the order and BAM!!!, it installed and worked (both locally and from network share)

Also, the properties/switches in the quicktime.msi file for desktop shortcuts and updates are now REGSRCH_DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=0 and SCHEDULE_ASUW=0; if you still run into problems you might want to try these switches because I had trouble with the previous. From what I have seen, you don't need to include ASUWINSTALLED=0 if you are not installing the actual AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi because it isn't located in any of the QuickTime.msi tables

/passive DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=NO SCHEDULE_ASUW=0 ASUWINSTALLED=0 - See more at: http://www.itninja.com/question/quicktime-7-75-80-95-fails-with-error-1334-when-deployed-via-k1000-but-runs-when-run-manually#sthash.HibdOgRf.dpuf
/passive DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=NO SCHEDULE_ASUW=0 ASUWINSTALLED=0 - See more at: http://www.itninja.com/question/quicktime-7-75-80-95-fails-with-error-1334-when-deployed-via-k1000-but-runs-when-run-manually#sthash.HibdOgRf.dpuf
/passive DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=NO SCHEDULE_ASUW=0 ASUWINSTALLED=0 - See more at: http://www.itninja.com/question/quicktime-7-75-80-95-fails-with-error-1334-when-deployed-via-k1000-but-runs-when-run-manually#sthash.HibdOgRf.dpuf

  • Ok I'll give this a shot. - edwimb 10 years ago
  • Do you have a source for that REGSRCH_DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=0 command and ASUWINSTALLED=0 not being needed? - edwimb 10 years ago
    • I couldn't find any written documentation, but when I broke into the different msi files with WSP, I couldn't find any tables that referenced AWUSINSTALLED=1 in AAS.msi, or QT.msi. The only reference was in the ASU.msi in a table that created, and added, the HKCU to the QuickTime registry. So, if you do not install the asu.msi, the ASUWINSTALLED is never added to the registry so you don't need to call the switch in the msiexec command. Desktop_Shortcuts=1 is now REGSRCH_DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=1 in the properties table of QT.msi and not in AAS.msi. My bat script is as follows, which silently installs 7.75, and adds the a saved. qtp and .xml file that QT pulls when opened. If you don't create the directories, it will not install because QT only creates the directories upon first open, but if you do it in the batch script and add the config files, QT pull the config files and doesn't overwrite them (I just recently found this out and edited accordingly):

      msiexec /i "\\(network_path)\AppleApplicationSupport.msi" /qn
      msiexec /i "\\(network_path)\QuickTime.msi" /qn REGSRCH_DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=0 SCHEDULE_ASUW=0
      mkdir "%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Apple Computer\QuickTime"
      copy "\\(network_path)\QuickTime.qtp" "%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Apple Computer\QuickTime"
      mkdir "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\QuickTime"
      copy "\\(network_path)\QTPlayerSession.xml" "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\QuickTime"

      There are several blogs where this is done by adding and modifying the registry values, creating the components, and adding scripts to modify the configuration. I tried to follow along, but it crossed my level of expertise. Tested this without the .qtp and .xml files and installs worked without desktop icons created and updates. Tested again with .qtp and .xml copies and all configuration and player settings carried over. Note: These .qtp files and .xml files were pulled from the local appdata folders after install and configuration, so if you push them you need to install, configure, then copy into you network directory. - Mike.Hughes 10 years ago
      • I just ran msiexec /i "AppleApplicationSupport.msi" /passive
        msiexec /i "QuickTime.msi" /passive REGSRCH_DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=0 SCHEDULE_ASUW=0
        and it works fine now. Thanks. Luckily we don't need to mess with the .xml or .qtp files so I can skip all of that.

        We redirect app data here which adds a bunch of other challenges.

        I have another problem here that I cannot figure out if you want to take a look at it:
        http://www.itninja.com/question/k2000-version-3-6-98680-random-windows-updates-failing-with-errors-80070005-and-800f0902-from-wsus-and-microsoft-after-scripted-install - edwimb 10 years ago
  • This worked perfectly.
    Thank you - Coldmiser 10 years ago
  • Thanks Mike. Saved me a major headache. - facekickr 9 years ago
Posted by: rileyz 10 years ago
Red Belt

I dont know anything about KACE but it sounds like the MSI is being excuted across a network. Try putting %dp0 in front on your MSI. Like this

msiexec /i "%dp0QuickTime.msi" /passive DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=NO SCHEDULE_ASUW=0 ASUWINSTALLED=0

The %dp0 resolves the path to the msi, might work? Dont forget to add it to the other in the bat file.


You zip it up for KACE? Bwaah? Maybe not across the network then, anyway still try it, might resolve the issue anyway.

If your stilling have issues, turn on a logging so you can see where the msi is being run from, logging always helps.

  • That didn't do the trick. Adding "%dp0QuickTime.msi" kills the command completely, preventing the install from taking place. - edwimb 10 years ago
    • Thats because he missed the "~". It should look like this "%~dp0QuickTime.msi" - carminus 9 years ago
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