
SQL Server Management Studio 2017 - Silent uninstall failed (requires restart)

Hi. I've an .exe with install/uninstalls SSMS 2017. It has next parameters: /install, /uninstall, /norestart, /quite.

So, my steps are:
1) Install with /install /norestart, /quite main SSMS.exe;
2) Install configuration .msi (disable updates via CU, ...) that has active setup.
3) Reboot - active setup triggered.
4) Then run the program - it says it's configuring a lot of User data and so on, then it actually runs.
5) Then I close the program and start the unistallation with /uninstall.
6) AND I GET - "In order to complete installation process you must first restart the computer". (/norestart with uninstall doesn't seems to do anything in this case).

So, if I after the triggered ActiveSetup and closed program, reboot the system, then uninstall works.

Please, if anyone could help me out here or give any advice or tip, I would be very grateful!

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Answers (4)

Posted by: jguthrie 6 years ago
Senior White Belt
For 2017/17.4 My installers are "SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe /install /passive /norestart"

I personally don't recommend using the /uninstall switch for uninstalls on Microsoft products... Microsoft has always been flaky (in my opinion) doing things that way. While others K-Users do it differently, i create a seperate script and use msiexec /x {id] /qn to remove Microsoft Software, or anything with an ID for that matter. 

Posted by: anonymous_9363 6 years ago
Red Belt
Why not simply work out what's triggering the restart? There can't be too many things. And remember that many vendors, Microsoft included, configure restarts that aren't really necessary in order to complete an  installation/uninstallation.

  • 1) 'Simply' work out :)? Maybe I'm dumb, but how to do it?
    2) It maybe not needed and Win7 proves that, but Win10 doesn't care for the /norestart flag and so on.. - FrustrationFruit 6 years ago
Posted by: kalucas 6 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I've had cases where /norestart didn't prevent a reboot.  Try  /REBOOT=ReallySuppress and see if that is any better.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 6 years ago
Red Belt
Maybe I'm dumb, but how to do it?
To be blunt, if you don't know how to determine why Windows might need a restart, why/how are you charged with supporting Windows PCs?
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