

Ok, so I have a directory in my install (Program Files\Dir Name\uninstall). The value for that directory in the Directory column of the Directory table is UNINSTALL and the value in the Directory_Parent column is INSTALLDIR.

I am doing a system search to see if an exe is located directly in that folder, not in subfolders.

My system search will popluate a new public property called FILEFOUND with the full file name of this exe. The value I have placed in the Path column of the DrLocator table is [UNINSTALL] and the value in the Depth column is 0. The value in the Signature column is AppFile which is also the value in the Signature column of the Signature table as well as the value in the Signature_ column of the AppSearch table.

When running the compiled MSI on a machine where I KNOW the file exists never poplulates the FILEFOUND property.

Why why why? This is killing me. It has worked a couple times before, and whenever I make a change to the WSI, (add a file, change a value in some field not relating to System Search) it stops working.

Any ideas?

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Answers (5)

Posted by: spartacus 14 years ago
Black Belt
What do you have in the DefaultDir column of the Directory table for the UNINSTALL directory ?

Is it a long filename/shortfilename pair separated by a vertical line ?


Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Things like this are much easier for people to diagnose if you reproduce the tables themselves in your post, using TABs to separate the elements/columns.
Posted by: happyphunn 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Ok so I guess my main question is, can one put any directory in the Path column of the DrLocator table?

Wise help says this:

--Search Directory
This is not available when you search all fixed drives for a file. Although you can enter a specific path here, it is best to enter one of the predefined folder properties that are listed in the Directory table of the Tables tab in Setup Editor. Example: Entering [Windows] searches the default Windows directory, regardless of its name or location.

My question is, what is a predefined folder? I found that my system search works when I use [ProgramFilesFolder]<Dir Name>\uninstall but not when I use [UNINSTALL], which resolves to [ProgramFilesFolder]<Dir Name>\uninstall.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
These are them.
Posted by: happyphunn 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Ok thanks. Kind of misleading the wording in help saying "listed in the Directory table".
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