
Telling the difference btwn 2 MSIs installed on a machine

My company deployed two separate MSIs for VPN software at different times last year (April and November). The MSIs are the same except the April version contained a customization file and the November version didn't.

Now, we've deployed a new renamed customization file and deleted the old. All the workstations that installed from the April version are now trying to self-repair itself but are getting application errors. Some of the workstations are successful in repairing itself with the old customization file but we don't want that because it contains old information.

I want to write a script that will identify the workstations that installed from the April version and copy the correct customization file with the same name, and take no action if the software was installed from the November version since they are not getting any errors.

Is that possible?? What is on the workstation that can help me identify the ones that installed from the April version? The only difference between the two MSIs is the customization file which has since been deleted.

Thanks for any help you can give.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: spartacus 17 years ago
Black Belt
If you are comfortable with using WMI, you could use an audit script along the lines of this :

[font="Courier New"]strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colSoftware = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Product")

For Each objSoftware in colSoftware
Wscript.Echo "Name: " & objSoftware.Name
Wscript.Echo "Version: " & objSoftware.Version
Wscript.Echo "InstallDate2: " & objSoftware.InstallDate2

Have a look at this link and work out which of the properties listed there would uniquely distinguish the two packages - I have used the InstallDate2 and Version properties in the code example above but these may or may not meet your needs. Take care as well that quite a number of the properties listed in the link are no longer available in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003


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