Transform not applied to Java runtime
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Hello, I'm using group policy to deploy Java Runtime (v1.5.0_10) with auto-updates disabled in a 2003 domain to XP Pro (SP2) clients.
The problem I'm having is the transform (.mst) file I created to disable the auto-updates does not appear to make any difference.
Here's what I did, hopefully someone can tell me where I've gone wrong or how to troubleshoot it:-
1) Extract the .MSI file from "jre-1_5_0_10-windows-i586-p-s.exe"
2) Open the .MSI with Orca, Transform -> New Transform.
3) Edit the properties table to disable auto-updates as per Transform -> Generate Tranform.
4) Run WiLstXfm.vbs to confirm the transforms are as follows:-
6) Create a new group policy object and add an assigned application pointing to the .msi file, on the modifications tab add the .mst file.
7) Apply the object to the domain, and set the security filtering to my test group of computers.
8) Restart the test computers and watch JRE be installed, then logon and find that Java auto-updates are still turned on [:(]
Thank you
The problem I'm having is the transform (.mst) file I created to disable the auto-updates does not appear to make any difference.
Here's what I did, hopefully someone can tell me where I've gone wrong or how to troubleshoot it:-
1) Extract the .MSI file from "jre-1_5_0_10-windows-i586-p-s.exe"
2) Open the .MSI with Orca, Transform -> New Transform.
3) Edit the properties table to disable auto-updates as per Transform -> Generate Tranform.
4) Run WiLstXfm.vbs to confirm the transforms are as follows:-
Property Value [IEXPLORER] {0}->{1}
Property Value [JAVAUPDATE] {1}->{0}
Property Value [AUTOUPDATECHECK] {1}->{0}
Property Value [JU] {1}->{0}
Property Value [MOZILLA] {0}->{1}
Property Value [SYSTRAY] {1}->{0}
Property Value [WEBSTARTICON] {1}->{0}
5) Copy .msi and .mst to \\server\apps$\jre6) Create a new group policy object and add an assigned application pointing to the .msi file, on the modifications tab add the .mst file.
7) Apply the object to the domain, and set the security filtering to my test group of computers.
8) Restart the test computers and watch JRE be installed, then logon and find that Java auto-updates are still turned on [:(]
Thank you
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Posted by:
18 years ago
Posted by:
18 years ago
I have the same problem with the new JRE 1.06. It doesn't matter whether I change the necessary properties with ORCA to create an MST or start the setup with parameters.
The associated registry entries are definitely changed after the setup, but the problem is that these settings are no longer used to setup the automatic updates in either way - the critical setting is now placed under "HKCU/Software/JavaSoft/Java Update/Policy" in the binary key "EnableAutoUpdateCheck" with a hex value.
So far I have no solution for this issue.
The associated registry entries are definitely changed after the setup, but the problem is that these settings are no longer used to setup the automatic updates in either way - the critical setting is now placed under "HKCU/Software/JavaSoft/Java Update/Policy" in the binary key "EnableAutoUpdateCheck" with a hex value.
So far I have no solution for this issue.

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