
Trouble capturing large images

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We've built an image for our Engineering department that contains a number of sizable software installs (National Instruments, SolidWorks, etc), bringing the image up to about 85 gigs.  The storage on our KBox is more than adequate for the task (600 gb free), and we've been able to take smaller images just fine (even from this machine as a test with a different HDD).  Tests on the HDD come back negative for any issues.  Does anyone have any ideas?  Settings we can look at?  Will we have to contact Kace for this one?  Thanks.

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  • Oh, and the HDD we are working from is a 500 GB drive, so the WIM creation shouldn't be choking there. Well, shouldn't be... - scragman 10 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: scragman 10 years ago
Blue Belt
The answer ended up being a call to Dell Kace, and a very nice gentleman that remotely connected to our KBox and enabled us to use the old KNIT process of capturing and deploying WIM images (like back in the day of K2 3.4).  The method works just fine and we are able to capture and deploy large image files with ease.  Not sure why our box won't do it as it should but I'll take what I can get.

  • I store all my wims on shares at each site, This also allows you to use one kbow to image 120 machines at once.
    I a few blogs about this, here are a couple of them:



    http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/do-you-want-to-store-your-wim-s-externally-with-k2000-v3-5-like-we-did-with-3-4 - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Red Belt
I have a couple of classroom images that are 70 and 80+gig in size, and have the mentioned software on them.

What problem are you having? Is it Ok during the capture? Do you watch for errors during the capture/deploy.  I have had problems with the WIM capture/deploy process, it uses MS imagex.  The problem came down to some files had a problem on the drive and it would blow up on that directory deploying every time.  You need to watch the screen for the directory to go by just prior to thinking it is finished with the wim deployment.  If I remember that also got logged on the kbox.

I have one software if I install it it will break the images everytime like that, even bypassing the kbox and using imagex manually (that is how I found what files were the problem).  I had to create a post task to unzip those files/folders. - See more at: http://www.itninja.com/question/trouble-capturing-large-images#sthash.Sjo1xwkB.dpuf
I have one software if I install it it will break the images every time like that, even bypassing the kbox and using imagex manually (that is how I found what files were the problem).  I had to create a post task to unzip those files/folders.

  • I have one software if I install it it will break the images everytime like that, even bypassing the kbox and using imagex manually (that is how I found what files were the problem). I had to create a post task to unzip those files/folders. - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
  • The problem occurs during the capture of the image, specifically prior to uploading the image (the file on the K2000 comes out at 0 gb in size). I have another capture running and will report back with any exact error messages. - scragman 10 years ago
    • also one other thought while waiting for the failure, did you run a chkdsk /f on this prior to capturing? - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
    • I did have a problem a long time ago with capturing an image it would blowup on SXS area and I had to copy the same files from another machine and overwrite the files on my master and then it worked fine on the capture - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
    • According to the log, the image file is created just fine, the error comes when it attempt to upload it. Here's what I got in the log:

      error while reading 1 bytes from the network: 10060
      filure to send manifest add request
      error while writting 37 bytes to network: 10054
      failure to complete sucessfully. - scragman 10 years ago
      • on your master you are capturing, how big is your disk and how much free space do you have? - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
      • The image is 85 GB, the disk is 500 GB (so about 450 formatted). The K2000 is using off disk storage and has about 600 GB of space available. - scragman 10 years ago
      • It sounds like it may be a network communication problem going on. Try a large packet ping to the kbox, from the main menu choose recovery and open a command prompt. do a ping with -L option of 5000.
        ping -t -l 5000 ikboxDNSname and see if you are getting any loss

        Also is the BIOS set for UEFI or legacy for the drive? - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
      • The ping worked fine. Sent 100 packets, no drops. There are no options for the drive as far as Legacy vs UEFI. The only Legacy vs UEFI options are for the network boot, and that is set to both with priority going to Legacy. - scragman 10 years ago
      • The machine is a Lenovo T540p, if that helps at all. - scragman 10 years ago
      • we have lenovo T440P's and the settings match what you said, we do have secure boot disabled(which should not matter). What type of drive are in these? are they a hybrid or SSD by chance? We are using toshiba Sata drives in ours - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
      • Regular spinning drives, not sure about the brand. Whatever Lenovo is shipping that day when we ordered them. - scragman 10 years ago
      • I would get a hold of kace then we have not experienced that problem and we image close to those specs of image size and machine type you have. Sorry could not solve it we gave it our best shot - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
      • Hey, no worries. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. I'll put in a ticket with KACE and when they get it fixed I'll post in the answer section what was going on. - scragman 10 years ago
      • Have you tried the capture from a machine on the same subnet as the K2000? - genfoch01 10 years ago
      • Yes, and it failed as well. - scragman 10 years ago

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