Trouble installing/upgrading silently Reader 11.0.06
My usual packaging and deployment consists of excracting the installer exe and running the msi through the customization wizard Adobe provides. Then I zip up the collection and upload it to a K1000 script that verifies an AcroRd32.exe process is not running then launching the setup.exe.
This latest 11.0.06 comes as a solo msp as well... I'm fully aware and works well to upgrade existing 11x installs. However my environment has regions where I do not control the release of Reader, and they might have PC's with 10x versions running wild. Plus I need to be able to do initial installs of Reader on new PC's.
So the way I deploy to the 10x folks should work fine, however, it does not work with existing 11.0.05. It will pop up an Adobe Reader XI (11.0.05) - Maintenance GUI to repair or remove 11.0.05. I'm not surprised they use the base installer, and it detects the current installed version, but, in my wizard I specificly specified to remove all installed versions. I cannot get this package to follow the mst built by the wizard!
Again- yes the msp works great on its own, but I would love to have just one script to install or upgrade any existing Reader! Now it seems I need to verify the installed product version and either run the setup.exe or skip to a second task to run the msp if version is > than 11.0.00. :-/ I expect major upgrades getting wonky, but, I absolutely dispise how Adobe cannot get their minor updates to be consistent!
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