UEFI and windows 10 2004 partition question.
Hey guys.
So to make it short.
How many partition a Windows 10 2004 should have ? I am curious if i am making the wrong script during ( Run-Mid level task ) or Post installation task . I am not sure what i am doing wrong and what the right partition should be.
I have a 1909 image on K2000. I push it on a machine and do updates to windows 10 2004 and it created 3 partitions
At home I have my own windows 10 2004 machine of course its not pushed by K 2000 its my personal PC , but I notice that one has 4 partitions.
I had another fresh windows 10 2004 on my vm to capture it and notice it capturing from C: S: D: 3 partitions
I am little confused it on how many partition windows 10 2004 should have , and what is the right script for it during ( Run-Mid level task and Post installation task )
Answers (2)
If you were to install Win10 via ISO on a UEFI enabled device, it will automatically create those partitions for you
If you are using the KACE SDA to image those devices, there are built in tasks in the KACE SDA that upon detecting UEFI, will create the needed partitions as well.
Hello, thank you.
I am little confused.
I am using a Windows 10 2004 ISO from Microsoft to create my image capture it on a VM, then sysprep it to Kace to image our machines, we have around 3000 machines.
How many partition i should have on windows 10 2004 ? ( because sometimes i see 2 sometimes 3 )
What are the right scripts to use for imaging from Kace 2000 to windows machines?
Thanks - Sarkis 4 years ago -
Hello to follow up to make it clearer .
On my VM machine at work it has windows 10 2004 ISO ( not upgraded from 1909 , its a fresh install of windows 10 2004 ) .
The machine has 3 partitions .
100 MB Healthy ( EFI System partition )
C : ( boot, page file, crash dump, basic data partition )
505 MB NTFS ( recovery partition )
On my PC at work it had a 1909 windows then upgraded manually to 2004 and this machine has 3 partition.
500 MB EFI system partition
C: ( boot, page file, crash dump, basic. data partition )
522 MB NTFS ( recovery partition )
On my home machine its upgraded from 1909 to 2004 it has 4 partitions
499 MB NTFS recovery partition
100 MB EFI System partition
Main C:
875 MB NTFS recovery partition
Now here comes the interesting part.
When i capture image with K2000 on a windows 10 2004 , it either shows me 3 partitions or 2 to capture. But when I image i only get 2 partitions show up after imaging.
My question is. What is the right partitions that should show up for windows 10 2004? why at home i have 4 partitions, on vm i have 3, after i image at work i get 2 partition.
What is going on here? i am little confused.
Do you know the right script to use with kace 2000 imaging ? ( pre installation / mid level task )?
hope this makes it clearer.
I want to make sure i am using right script and i have right partition for windows 10 2004 at my organization, i don't want future updates to mess up with the partition and start giving us blue screen if its missing a partition.
Thanks! - Sarkis 4 years ago-
OK, first, and just in case: KACE SDA (formerly known as K2000), does NOT support OEM image captures or distributions, as they violate Microsoft's EULA in regards Sysprep and Enterprise Deployment Tools.
Second, We use Windows PE, WinPE, to capture and Image devices. The partitions that matters ARE the ones you can see from WinPE, not Windows built-in Disk Management Tool.
You could build your own WinPE USB or ISO, or just boot up a KBE, Go to Troubleshooting Tools, Open CMD, open DISKPART, and type LIST VOL there. It should display the available partitions.
We always recommend capturing JUST ONE partition, that is C: as the NTFS O.S. partition.
With that single partition, the KACE SDA built in tasks will automatically create the remaining partitions, for both Legacy and UEFI Deployments. (this was introduced in version 6.1, so if you have an older version the story is VERY different).
So make, sure you are using Volume Licensed ISOs and Keys (MAK or KMS), make sure you are capturing just the letter C:.
You might want to check:
Page N.10: Capturing an Image
Pages 11-13: cover the needed PRE and MID level tasks, NOTE as the guide says, if you're in 6.1 or newer, there is no need to manually create tasks, as those are built in tasks.
If you have an image or scenario, that demands three or more partitions, you will need to create custom DISKPART Script Tasks, to partition the hard drive accordingly, and a MID level task to create EFI or Legacy boot sectors in the proper partition.
(this dwells into the "custom deployments" module a little bit, I recommend this for seasoned SDA users or advanced engineers). - Channeler 4 years ago
echo Firmware Type: %FIRMWARE%
echo Explanation of Firmware Type: (0x1 is BIOS, 0x2 is UEFI)
if %FIRMWARE%==0x1 goto BIOS
if %FIRMWARE%==0x2 goto UEFI
goto END
The above Part of the script is essential to differentiate between UEFI and Legacy BIOS.
Before Quest provided this script I used to do it a little bit different but with the same outcome.
REM *************************Check UEFI or Legacy*************************************
REM WPEutil to write Information to Registry
wpeutil UpdateBootInfo
REM GetFirmwareType
set ReadRegCmd=reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control /v PEFirmwareType
%ReadRegCmd% | find /I "0x1" > NUL && SET /A Firmware=1 || SET /A Firmware=2
echo Firmware=%Firmware%
REM *************************Check UEFI or Legacy*************************************
IF %Firmware%==1 goto Legacy
In the below parts the partitions will be "created"
ECHO select disk 0
ECHO clean
ECHO convert gpt noerr
ECHO create partition efi size=200
ECHO assign letter=s
ECHO format quick fs=FAT32
ECHO Create partition msr size=128
ECHO create partition primary
ECHO assign letter=c
ECHO format quick fs=NTFS
ECHO exit
diskpart /s X:\Windows\System32\UEFI.txt
goto END
ECHO select disk 0
ECHO clean
ECHO create partition primary
ECHO select partition 1
ECHO assign letter=c
ECHO active
ECHO format quick fs=NTFS
ECHO exit
diskpart /s X:\Windows\System32\BIOS.txt
goto END
So finally for UEFI you will have an EFI, MSR and Windows Partition.
The legacy devices will have only one partition
-therefore (espacially if you'd like to use BitLocker on all your devices)
I advice to duplicate your Script "[DISK] Create BIOS/UEFI Partitions"
and add a second (System-)Partition for your legacy devices.
echo create partition primary size=500
echo assign letter="C"
echo active
echo create partition primary
echo assign letter="D"
echo active
Just keep in mind that during the Pre-Installation and Mid-Level Phase your legacy devices's Windows Drive will be the d:\ drive.