
Unable to install software


With only 12 days left in the trial period (because of lack of time), I really need to start testing it.
But I still having problems installing software.
If I understood correctly I have to install the software first on a test computer.
Then go to the inventory - software - look for the desired software.
You select this software, update the operating system, upload the exe or mdi file and save it.

Now you can go to the distribution, choose action and add new item.
There you select your software, add the run parameters, and deploy it to a computer. Then you save it.

I restart the target computer and I see a messages from the Kace that's installing software.
But the software is never actually installed.

When I go back to distribution, managed installations, at the bottom of the page I still see: "Machines software still to be inployed: 1"
So it's not installed.
I tried with another software and then it said: deployment failed.

But I don't know why? Is there any logfile where I can find out what's going wrong.

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Answers (6)

Posted by: mpace 13 years ago
Red Belt
Hi torgal,

You are on the right track. It sounds like you might be using some incorrect installation parameters. What file type and method are you using to install the software? I highly recommend using MSI files if it all able.

Here is a link to a KACE Kontinuing Education session that walks you through the basics of software distribution with the K1000: 
Posted by: torgal 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

I tried a few things:
Use default or configure manually, with or without run parameters.
I tought when I don't give some parameters I would at least see a window poping ip and inistalling the software, but even then nothing happens...

For example: I'm trying to install winzip v16 now. I uploaded the winzip.msi file and tried again.
As installation command I used:
/i /qb /norestart
or simply
but nothing works...
Posted by: mpace 13 years ago
Red Belt
With MSI files you need to include msiexec in your command string. So it should look something like this:

msiexec.exe /i "winzip.msi" /qb /norestart
Posted by: torgal 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
When simply using the command '/qb /norestart /i', there is mentioned above:

The windows client will try to install this via:
msiexec.exe /qb /norestart /i "winzip16-64.msi"
You might take a look at the MSI Install Wizard for some help in creating a script to deploy msi files.

When trying this command (msiexec.exe /qb /norestart /i "winzip16-64.msi") in a command prompt, it works.

When I change to 'msiexec.exe /i "winzip.msi" /qb /norestart', then there is mentionned the following:

The windows client will try to install this via:
msiexec.exe msiexec.exe "winzip.msi" /qb /norestart /i "winzip16-64.msi"
You might take a look at the MSI Install Wizard for some help in creating a script to deploy msi files.

Now this command looks really strange and when trying it in a command prompt, it doesn't work.

I've tried with winzip, iTunes, fences. I'm first trying a few very simple programs before I'm installing complete office packages.
Posted by: kace1000testuser 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
maybe you have a (locally) install-problem with the msi-installer. turn on logging with this command option in kace:
command: "/l*vx c:\1.log /qn /i"
after that you can find a logfile (1.log) on your TARGET pc. (/qn /i are general install parameters, /l*vx are the logging-parameters, c:\1.log is the log-file path, see msiexec documentation)

after that the dell message in kace should look like this (sorry, german language):
Der Windows-Client versucht eine Installation über:
msiexec.exe /l*vx c:\1.log /qn /i "filename.msi"
Der MSI Installationsassistent bietet eine Anleitung zum Erstellen eines Skripts, mit dem Sie MSI-Dateien bereitstellen können.
Ebenfalls hilfreich ist die MSI-Befehlszeilen- Dokumentation auf der Website von Microsoft.

i had exactly the same problem.
when trying to install my software manually with the command prompt (with exactly the same parameters) it works, with dell kace it doesn't (maybe because of user-permissions,...)
in the logfile i found an registry error due to an uncorrecly uninstall of an older version of the same software.
after i deleted the registry value manually on the local pc in regedit, the kace distribution works fine.
(in my case the registry-folder was located in: [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products\D9A8A381A5813F040A168E650DA61167] )
Posted by: torgal 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
My trial period is over, I think I'll ask for an extension...
I'm trying to install software on two laptops. One the first nothing is happening, not even the popup from the dell kace where it says that it's going to install.
On the second one, same installation and everytime I boot the dell kace popup tells me it wants to install software. And here I have a log file.

I see a few strange things...

Property(S): WiseInitSpaceError = Could not create temporary file, not enough free temporary disk space. Please free up disk space and rerun this installation.
Property(S): WiseInitAdminError = You must have administrator rights to run this installation. Please login as an administrator and re-run this installation.
Property(S): WIN32BITOSNOTFOUND = 64-bit OS is found on the system. Please install 64-bit version of WinZip.
Property(S): S_DLG_OPEN = WinZip or one of its components cannot be closed. If WinZip is running, close WinZip then press Retry. If that does not work or WinZip is not running, press Cancel, restart Windows, and then retry the installation.
Property(S): S_RUNNING_TPL = The WinZip component '%s' is running, possibly in another user session.\nPlease logout all other users and press the Retry button to continue, or press Cancel to abort the installation.
Property(S): S_NET_DRIVE_TPL = WinZip or one of it's components is running and the installation drive '%s' is a network drive or is invalid. Please select another drive or contact you system administrator.
Property(S): WIN64BITOSNOTFOUND = 32-bit OS is found on the system. Please install 32-bit version of WinZip.

Not enough disc space?? I only use 69GB, I still have 229GB free.
64-bit OS is found on the system: Ok for the 64-bit OS; Please install 64-bit version of WinZip: that's what I'm trying for the last three weeks...
32-bit OS is found on the system. Please install 32-bit version of WinZip: no no no no no, it's 64-bit all the way...
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