
Uninstall Roxio Easy Media Creator 8

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hello all,
I am in the process of installing Roxio Easy Media Creator 10 and have issues with uninstalling Roxio Easy Media Creator 8. I know that no previous versions of Roxio must be together So I have to uninstall the earlier version. This should all be automated via SMS and a .vbs. I am trying to uninstall Roxio but it needs administrative rights. I can easily uninstall it, but I have a test account that I am trying with and that fails saying that the rights are insufficient.
Does anybody know on how to elevate users rights to do this uninstallation? I have also tried running this script via SMS checking "run as administrator", but it still fails.[:(]

- Rahul

Thanks in advance

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Answers (1)

Posted by: kiptek 16 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
does running the v.10 install, uninstall v.8 such that you do not need a different script to uninstall? Presumably if both vendor MSIs are being used, then a complete uninstall of 8 is unnecessary (cross your fingers after all, it is a roxio product)....
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