
Using runkbot.exe (minimized) in a batch file

Just trying out my first Managed Installations on the K1000. At the end of the batch script I've added a line so that the client will check in with the K1000 again

start "" /wait /min "C:\Program Files\Dell\Kace\runkbot.exe" -s 4 0

I'm trying to get runkbot.exe to run minimized, but no matter what I try it always pops up in a new window

Is this expected behaviour or is there a way round this ?


2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • When machines check in normally you don't see any evidence of it on the machine, but I'm not exactly sure how to make it silent when running it manually.

    Perhaps using the command from the stock "Force Check In" script? - AFCUjstrick 11 years ago
  • I wouldn't get in the habit of doing this. Your K1000 would have no control over the machines checking in. It could cause issues in the future. - dugullett 11 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: Nico_K 11 years ago
Red Belt

run it inside a cmd environment using cmd /c to run this. This won't show any output.

  • Thanks for replying Nico

    Just been testing this with a .bat file with the following line in

    cmd /c "C:\Program Files\Dell\Kace\runkbot.exe" -s 4 0

    also tried

    cmd /c start "" /wait /min "C:\Program Files\Dell\Kace\runkbot.exe" -s 4 0

    The window pops up and you can still see all the output - DriveBlind 11 years ago
  • -s is only needed if the user which starts the script is no admin nor system account.
    as you will script this with the scripting engine the script should have the correct rights. - Nico_K 11 years ago
  • Nico,

    Sorry, I'm not explaining myself properly

    Before I even touch the K1000 I log on to the Win7 client locally (with admin rights) and create a .bat file to test the removal / installation of the software. I'm not using the K1000 at all at this point.

    The rest of the .bat file is working fine (closing processes, removing previous versions, silently installing the new version etc.). The last line of the .bat file is to force the client to check in again, so that the details of the software I've removed/installed appear in KACE straight away, instead of waiting for the next scheduled check in).

    start "" /wait /min "C:\Program Files\Dell\Kace\runkbot.exe" -s 4 0 does this but the output is displayed on screen

    I want to either run runkbot minimized or not have any output at all

    When I'm satisfied that the .bat file does what I want it to do I zip it up with the .msi / .exe files,
    associate it with the Software Inventory record and set up a Managed Install on the K1000. Got this working, no problem. The Managed Install is working fine It's just that last line of the .bat file (that it runs) that is causing me hassle by showing the output

    Hope this makes sense. Thanks for taking the time out to help me - DriveBlind 11 years ago
    • I haven't tested it yet, but maybe you can use a bat to exe converter with that command line. Create an exe, and add it to the end. This one below has an option to run hidden.

      http://www.f2ko.de/programs.php?pid=b2e - dugullett 11 years ago
  • You can use iexpress to convert batch to silent exe. iexpress is included in Windows 7. When calling the batch, do cmd /c file.bat - SDNBTP 11 years ago
  • -s is the recommended context to run runkbot in. Admin is not the same especially for testing.

    When you call a bat or cmd from within another you will always get the flash as the cmd processor hands control over to the new process.

    Calling cmd from inside a bat just assures this behaviour.
    Change the bat to a .cmd file and save it like this.

    @echo off
    "C:\Program Files\Dell\Kace\runkbot.exe" -s 4 0

    Give that a try, it should minimize it. - jdornan 11 years ago
  • jdornan - Thanks for your advice.Tried what you suggested

    Created a .cmd file with the following in

    @echo off
    "C:\Program Files\Dell\Kace\runkbot.exe" -s 4 0

    Created a test Software Inventory record and associated it this

    Created a Managed Install based on the new Software Inventory record

    When the Managed Install ran on the client, runkbot popped up on screen exactly as before (Also tried start /min before the command as well)

    I've only been testing the K1000 for a few weeks. I would have thought that wanting the client to check in (silently) immediately after a Managed Install would be something most people would want to do and would be pretty standard ? Guess not - DriveBlind 11 years ago
Posted by: hf13207 8 years ago
White Belt
If you just want to hide the runkbot, you can do it in the background (after a brief pop-up) with the app called Quiet.exe
You can call this before telling it to launch your runkbot.exe and it will run in background without the window,

So a command would look like this.
%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c (location of quiet) "c:\program files (x86)"\dell\kace\runkbot.exe 4 0

I hope this helps you! :)

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