
Verbose log for .exe

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I am having a very difficult time producing a verbose log file for my .exe. This is the command I am using and was under the impression it was correct:

"C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\Setup.exe" /L*V "C:\Program Files\test.txt"

However, when it is all said and done I do not have a file after the installation has completed.

What am I doing wrong???????

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Answers (4)

Posted by: reds4eva 14 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
The /L is a msiexec switch, not necessarily a switch that your exe can use.Try running setup.exe /? in a command prompt, it may return some switches it can use.
Posted by: spartacus 14 years ago
Black Belt
As reds4eva rightly says, the /L*V "C:\Program Files\test.txt" portion of the command line is Windows Installer syntax, so it is only worth trying if you happen to know that the setup.exe calls an embedded MSI. If that is the case, then you need to use the /v qualifier to pass the verbose switch to the MSI as follows

"C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\Setup.exe" /v"/L*V C:\Progra~1\test.txt"


Posted by: zbozz 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks guys! It is an .exe that does not call an .msi. The .exe is hanging at a particular portion of the installation and I need to produce a log to see what is happening before it starts to hang. The information you both provided makes complete since. I will try what reds4eva mentioned to see if that will give me more information.

Thanks a lot!!!
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
As ever, ProcMon will show you exactly what's going on.
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