We have 3 queues; one is the standard work request, two others are special forms requests -Can I assign a ticket from one queue to be the parent of a ticket in another queue?
We have 3 queues; one is the standard work request, two others are special forms requests -Can I assign a ticket from one queue to be the parent of a ticket in another queue?
If not, then I need to create a process and when we create a process, the queues that make up the process show up in the list of queues for all users and the users will get confused and select the queues that make up the process instead of selecting the process. So this is why we have two different queues - one form for end users and another queue/form for internal use. And if we need to use the internal form, we want to attach is as a child to the parent form filled out by the user. Otherwise we will need to manually reference another ticket in the original form ticket filled out by the user and this defeats one of the main reasons we chose this product.
Answers (1)
I think a process would be the way to go: http://www.itninja.com/question/parent-child-relationships-for-tickets-in-different-queues
Hi, Understood, however, I cannot hide the queues from the users that make up the process. This will confuse the users. As well, if I do hide the queues from the users, then the users cannot see the work requests created using the Process - View all Queues doesn't reveal the work requests created using the process. This is the issue. - sluciw 11 years ago