
What does this event log message mean?

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I am deploying a software msi package through group policy as a computer based policy. We have a group setup for this purpose with client machine names.

Additional machine names have been added to this group. These new machines were rebooted but the software does not install.

Here is the event log message for one of these machines

"...The install of application DM SR6 with Active Integration from policy BCSCnet Global Policy failed. The error was : %1612"

What am I doing wrong. We do "not" want to redeploy this package to the old and new machines in case something might go wrong.

I was thinking that by just adding new machine names active directory would deploy this software.

Can you assist us with this issue?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: AngelD 18 years ago
Red Belt
error 1612 means "The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it."
So I guess you would have to check if the media exist and/or permissions are correct to execute the installation from the source directory.
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