
What is the recommended method for using K2000 to keep an updated, sysprep'd image for deployment?

What I am trying to do is deploy a captured, sysprep'd image for deployment that has already been updated from WSUS so that when we deploy, the PC doesn't have to install 300+ updates and restart 6 times over a 4hr period.  We used to use scripted deployments but the number or updates has just become so large and time consuming that we've switched to image deployment.  To update it, I build a new machine and enter sysprep auditing mode, update the registry with our WSUS server address, and install the updates.  Then I run sysprep with an unattend file and capture on the reboot.  The problem is now that we have so many reboots during the audit mode because of the number of updates, that it knocks the rearms farther and farther down.  By the time it is done updating, the newly captured image can't be deployed because it's out of rearms. 

I've read several different threads about updating as a mid or post level task, but what I'm looking for is how can I maintain an image that is fully updated and ready to deploy, and can be put back into audit mode for updating further?  Or perhaps I'm not maintaining the master image properly. 

Does any one have suggestions or can just tell me if I'm totally off base?



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  • <SkipRearm>1</SkipRearm> - nheyne 8 years ago

Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: chucksteel 8 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

We use scripted installs now that we have moved to Windows 10 but when we built images for Windows 7 I used a virtual machine. Here is the documentation I wrote for my team:

1. Create a new virtual machine with the following settings

a. Architecture - Match the architecture you need for the image you are building

b. Memory - 2GB

c. Hard Disk - leave the defaults, we will have to change them later

2. Change the machine settings

a. Select Storage tab

b. Remove the Controller: SATA

c. Add a new IDE Controller

d. Click the button to add a new disk to the controller

e. Give the disk an appropriate name

f. Set the file size to be large enough to support your image (I have been using 75GB)

g. Click Create

h. Select Network tab

i. Under Adapter 1

j. Adapter is enabled and select Attached to: Bridged Adapter

k. Select System tab

l. Change the boot order to remove Floppy and Optical drives

m. Enable Network boot and move it to the top of the list

n. Click OK

3. Power on the Virtual Machine

4. At the boot menu select the appropriate KBE

5. At the K2000 menu select Scripted Installation

6. Select the appropriate scripted installation from the menu

7. Click Start Installation

8. Once the installation is complete install all Windows updates

a. Be sure to enable updates for other Microsoft products before installing updates

b. Run Windows update several times to make sure all updates have been installed

9. Make any other necessary changes to the base image

10. Shutdown the virtual machine

11. Make a clone of the Virtual machine

a. In the VirtualBox Manager select the virtual machine

b. Right click on the virtual machine and select Clone

c. Click Next

d. Select Full Clone

e. Click Clone

f. If you run out of disk space making the clone, read this post for some information about shrinking the size of your virtual disk: https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?p=29271#p29271

12. Boot the cloned virtual machine 13. 

13. Run sysprep on the virtual machine.

14. Power on the virtual machine

15. At the boot menu select the appropriate KBE

16. At the K2000 menu select Imaging

17. Click Capture an image of this machine

18. Give the image an appropriate name

19. Select the C: drive as the image source

20. Choose the image type

21. Click Start Capture

22. Once the capture is complete shutdown the virtual machine

23. The cloned virtual machine can now be deleted

24. Login to the K2000 web interface

25. Find the newly updated image and add the appropriate pre- and post- installation tasks.

For future updates, boot the original virtual machine and apply updates and make any other necessary changes. Then start following the instructions at step 10.

Note that I don't use Audit mode. I'm not sure if that is best practice but it never caused a problem for me.

  • Sorry....this was put on the back burner for a little. Back at it again.

    Thanks a lot for that awesomely laid out sysprep method. - captains1stm8 8 years ago
    • Personally, I think Windows Updates were 80% of the reason to make an image. The other 20% we can probably do via post-install tasks. We might just move to scripted installs. - srober99 8 years ago
      • Yeah....that's pretty much why we moved to imaging as well. - captains1stm8 8 years ago
      • Unless you are updating your image almost weekly you'll probably want to run Windows Update before putting the machine in the field anyway. Also, with the K1000 handling patching machines should get updates shortly after being in the field. - chucksteel 8 years ago
  • Chucksteel, do you install the vm additions in the base image? I want to try this as I'm in charge of the K2000 now. - flip1001 8 years ago
    • We have moved away from this method and now use scripted installs. I didn't include installing the VM tools in my write up so I'm guessing that I didn't install them. - chucksteel 8 years ago
Posted by: srober99 8 years ago
Senior White Belt
I am also interested in a solution to prepare Windows 10 computers without waiting for dozens of updates after being imaged. This morning my coworker talked to K2000 support, who said Windows Updates for Win10 breaks sysprep.  That rules out the obvious answer of running updates before creating the reference image.

Good luck, and keep us posted.

  • Microsoft says they will release regular ISO images of Windows 10 with updates baked into them. The latest was released in February. Our plan is to use the most recent ISO from the volume licensing site to minimize the number of updates that need to be installed post-imaging. - chucksteel 8 years ago
    • Not sure how I missed this, but we are using an ISO from November. - srober99 8 years ago
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