Where do I find the image number of .wim
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I am new to Kace2000 (version 3.) and in the process of creating .wims for our RSA. I captured system image and found it in the petemp\imagestore set up at an earlier time by other staff for storage, but need the image number in .wim for my post install tasks. Anyone know where I would find this?
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9 years ago
Go to the Deployments | System Images page. Put your cursor over the link to the .wim image and you can see the link in the status bar at the bottom left of the page and you'll see the ID#. You can also click on the link and look for the ID# in the address bar in the URL.
Product Support Principal Engineer, K2000
Product Support Principal Engineer, K2000
Thanks. - ITTC0315 9 years ago