Why packaging?
I need writing a document explaining why packaging?
-To guarantee the install software will have the same result on every computers
- To make the organisation be able to assume his Cost of ownership
- Any suggestion?
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Who are you writing this for? It's a bit like writing a report about why we need to eat. Everyone understands why, and it's a pointless exercise and a waste of time to document. - EdT 10 years ago
I am writing it for the packagers. Yes everyone will know why but noone will have the big pictures. So everyone know but this is not wrote. - siocnarf 10 years ago
How's that write up going?? Have you managed to show your packagers the big picture?? - Badger 10 years ago
I am still on working on my documentation. That point is only one point in my document. - siocnarf 10 years ago
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