Windows 10 Cumulative Updates Not Detected As Missing
I am running a detect job for all patches on a laptop that was installed from a Win10x64 1909 ISO. I expect that it should detect the most recent cumulative update KB4574727, but it is inactive in the catalog and superseded by KB4577062.
KB4577062 is not detected as missing by this scan job. I can't find any problem with my Smart Labels that would cause it to be missed. The reason I can think it would not be detected is because it is an Update Preview and not a full fledged update. But if this is the case, shouldn't the superseded patch still be active in the catalog?
Apologies in advance for my limited understanding of the functionality. The appliance is brand new for our organization and I just started using it about a month ago. Thanks.
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pre- 10, and current 10.2 versions have significant differences and improvements - Channeler 4 years ago