
Wise Error - "Unable to copy files to destination media"

I'm trying to package IBM WTX Design Studio but it crashes REFWI and it generates the "Unable to copy files to destination media" in WISE.

I searched first and found this thread.


However I'm already excluding C:\Documents and Settings\all users and my profile specifically and I'm still getting the error.

Anyone have any thoughts?


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Answers (1)

Posted by: MSIPackager 15 years ago
3rd Degree Black Belt
What is the destination media and do you have enough free disk space?

Roughly how many files are included in the package and what's the total size of them?

Have you tried running procmon to see what's going on when you get the error?

I assume that you've had to repackage this (that there isn't an MSI wrapped by a setup program?)

Unless this has to be an MSI, you could investigate possible vendor supported command line switches to install silently.. last resort really though [;)]

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