Create a batch file for silent installation that contains :
setup.exe /q /w /t setup.ini.
Put this batch file in the wise script for installation. Reason is, this setup.exe calls another setup.exe from the source directories and that leads the wise wrapper exe to get aborted.
During silent uninstalling using product code, it prompt the user to close the Windows Explorer. To prevent this use the following command line:
Msiexec.exe /x {5783F2D7-A028-0409-0000-0060B0CE6BBA} MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=Disable /quiet.
For a silent install with no user intervention wether a user is logged on or not.
Extract the source files from the .EXE downloaded from AutoDesk's website.
DWG TrueView 2012 with Windows 7 on SCCM 2007.
Add to your package, MS VcRedist 2010 (with /passive), MS DotNet4 (with /passive /norestart), SETUP.EXE /w /t /q setup.ini
Have tested this as a 'standard' user, and does not require a reboot before running 1st time.
For simple MSI push, extract the .exe's contents, and direct your Package to \x64\dwgviewr\dwgviewr.msi.
You'll need at least .NET Framework 4 & DirectX 9.0c on there as pre-requisites. Perhaps even the VCRs (we had 2005/2008/2010 already on there) but I did not test extensively.
- Download and unpack SetupDWGTrueView2011_32bit.exe
- For Windows XP 32-bit, install \msi\WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe with switches /quiet /norestart
- For Windows 32 bit, install \NLSDL\nlsdl.x86.exe with switches /quiet /norestart
- Install \support\VCRedist\2008\x86\vc_red.msi with switches /quiet /norestart
- Install \SetupDWGTrueView2011_32bit\support\DirectX\DXSETUP.exe with switch /silent
- Install \SetupDWGTrueView2011_32bit\DWGVIEWR.msi with switches /quiet /norestart
; ===========================================================================================
; Script Information
; Title: Install DWG TrueView 2012
; Author: Wim Rotty
; Description: The Setup.exe in SetupDWGTrueView2011_32bit.exe can be run run quiet with /q
; But even with START /WAIT does not wait until the installation ends
; After the installation, the computer can be restarted forced without notice
; As a solution, install all the packages separate
; Prerequirements: Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 Service pack 1
; ===========================================================================================
; Personal UDF Section ;
Function WshShellExec($Command)
ReDim $WshShellExec[1]
Dim $WshShell
$WshShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell').Exec($Command)
$WshShellExec[0] = Split(', @CRLF)
$WshShellExec[1] = Split('Error using CreateObject(' + "'WScript.Shell'" + ').Exec(' + $Command + ')' + @CRLF + 'The object was not created. The error message is:' + @CRLF + @SERROR, @CRLF)
While Not $WshShell.Status
Sleep 0.001
$WshShellExec[0] = Split($WshShell.StdOut.ReadAll, @CRLF)
$WshShellExec[1] = Split($WshShell.StdErr.ReadAll, @CRLF)
Exit $WshShell.ExitCode
; UDF Section ;
;Function GetSpecialFolders()
;Author NTDOC/Ron Lewis (
;Contributors Howard, Lonkero, Chris, Shawn
;Action Queries the name and path of Special Folders
;Syntax GetSpecialFolders($Folder)
;Version 1.01
;Date 2003-Oct-18
;Date Revised 2003-Oct-18
;Revision Reason Ver 1.00 Original release
; Ver 1.01 Updated code to be cleaner per suggestion by Radimus
;Parameters $Folder {Number of the Special Folder you want to retrieve}
;Remarks The Windows operating system includes a number of special folders, folders that
; have a well-defined purpose and are generally present on all computers.
; These special folders include virtual folders, such as My Documents and Recycle Bin,
; as well as physical file system folders such as Program Files and Fonts. Because of
; the importance of these folders, it is useful for a system administrator to be able
; to locate and, if necessary, manipulate these folders on any computer
;Further Info
; Common Folder Name Number Supported OS
; Internet Explorer = 1 2K/XP
; Programs = 2 2K/XP
; Control Panel = 3 2K/XP
; Printers = 4 2K/XP
; My Documents = 5 2K/XP
; Favorites = 6 2K/XP
; Startup = 7 2K/XP
; Recent = 8 2K/XP
; SendTo = 9 2K/XP
; Recycle Bin = 10 2K/XP
; Start Menu = 11 2K/XP
; My Music = 13 XP
; My Videos = 14 XP
; Desktop = 16 2K/XP
; My Computer = 17 2K/XP
; My Network Places = 18 2K/XP
; NetHood = 19 2K/XP
; Fonts = 20 2K/XP
; Templates = 21 2K/XP
; All Users Start Menu = 22 2K/XP
; All Users Programs = 23 2K/XP
; All Users Startup = 24 2K/XP
; All Users Desktop = 25 2K/XP
; Application Data = 26 2K/XP
; PrintHood = 27 2K/XP
; Local Settings Application Data = 28 2K/XP
; All Users Favorites = 31 2K/XP
; Local Settings Temporary Internet Files = 32 2K/XP
; Cookies = 33 2K/XP
; Local Settings History = 34 2K/XP
; All Users Application Data = 35 2K/XP
; Windows = 36 2K/XP
; System32 = 37 2K/XP
; Program Files = 38 2K/XP
; My Pictures = 39 2K/XP
; User Profile = 40 2K/XP
; System32 = 41 2K/XP
; Common Files = 43 2K/XP
; All Users Templates = 45 2K/XP
; All Users Documents = 46 2K
; All Users Administrative Tools = 47 2K/XP
; Administrative Tools = 48 2K/XP
; Network Connections = 49 2K/XP
; NUMBERS NOT USED: = 12,13,14,15,29,30,42,44
; NUMBERS RETURN GUID ONLY = 1,3,4,10,17,18,49
;Returns Returns the Name and Path of Special Folders
;Dependencies Windows 2000/XP, KiXtart 4.x, SHELL32.DLL
;KiXtart Ver Written and tested with KiXtart v4.22 Release Candidate 1 on 2000/XP ONLY!
; It may work on Win9x/NT but has not been tested.
;Example(1) debug off
; break on
; dim $iRC
; $iRC=setoption('Explicit','ON')
; $iRC=setoption('NoVarsInStrings','ON')
; $iRC=setoption('WrapAtEOL','ON')
; dim $SpFolder,$
; $SpFolder = GetSpecialFolders(22)
; ? 'Name of Special Folder: '+$SpFolder[0]
; ? 'Path of Special Folder: '+$SpFolder[1]
; get $
; {The above example using 22 should return something like this:
; Name of Special Folder: Start Menu
; Path of Special Folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu
; Using 25 should return something like this:
; Name of Special Folder: Desktop
; Path of Special Folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop
;Example(2) debug off
; break on
; dim $iRC
; $iRC=setoption('Explicit','ON')
; $iRC=setoption('NoVarsInStrings','ON')
; $iRC=setoption('WrapAtEOL','ON')
; dim $SpFolder,$AllUserDesktop,$File
; $SpFolder = GetSpecialFolders(25)
; $AllUserDesktop=$SpFolder[1]
; $File='\\Server1\shared\imaging\toons.gif'
; if exist($File)
; copy $File $AllUserDesktop
; endif
; ? 'Copy was: '+@ERROR+' '+@SERROR
;NOTE: Your calling script should check to verify the existence of all folders queried
; before attempting to use the returned folder.
Function GetSpecialFolders($Folder)
Dim $objFolderItem
$objFolderItem = CreateObject('Shell.Application').Namespace($Folder).Self
$GetSpecialFolders = $objFolderItem.Name, $objFolderItem.Path
; wshShortCut(),
;Authors and Contributors:
; Shawn, Radimus, Al_Po,
; Richard Farthing, NTDOC
; 1.3.5
; Creates Shortcuts for files or Web pages
; wshShortCut($shortcutname,$targetpath,optional $arguments, optional $startdir, optional $iconpath, optional $style, optional $Description)
; SHORTCUTNAME Required. Name of Shortcut. If path is omitted, will be saved to desktop.
; TARGETPATH Required. The path the target point to. To ommit checking if path exists in the function, append the target path
; with ",1"
; ARGUMENTS Optional. Arguments appended to TARGETPATH
; STARTDIR Optional. Working Directory
; ICONPATH Optional. Path to Icon Library. To specify an icon other than the first, separate the icon path with
; ",#" where # represents the icon in the library.
; STYLE Optional. 1 = default, 3 = maximized window, 7 = minimized window
; DESCRIPTION Optional. Description or Comment about Shortcut
; HOTKEY Optional. Keyboard Hotkey. (Note: Shortcut must be saved to desktop or startmenu for Hotkey to function)
; wshShortCut 1.3.5
; - Reworked Code to allow commas in the the targetpath from changes in made in version 1.3.3
; wshShortCut 1.3.4
; - Dimmed undimmed var
; wshShortCut 1.3.3
; - Added option to bypass TARGETPATH exist check on LNK shortcuts. Add ,1 to the end of your Targetpath to bypass
; See Example below.
; wshShortCut 1.3.2
; - Included Option for HotKey(.hotkey)
; wshShortCut 1.3.1
; - Bug Fixes when creating URL shortcuts
; wshShortCut 1.3
; - Attempts to create directory structure to shortcut if it does not exist
; wshShortcut 1.2:
; - Support for NoVarsinStrings
; - Checks for existence of TargetPath in .lnk files
; - Included option for Description (.description)
; wshShortcut 1.1:
; - fixes a logic bug in wshShortCut 1.0 so you can use more than icons 0-9 in a icon library on URLS.
; - Unless path is explicity stated in $ShortCutName, icons are created on the desktop
; - If .lnk or .url is omitted, UDF tries to determine the shortcut type, but defaults to .lnk if it can't figure it out.
; wshShortCut 1.0
; $=wshShortcut("KiXtart Web Page","")
; $=wshShortcut("Notepad","%systemroot%\system32\notepad.exe")
; $=wshShortcut$=wshshortcut("Server1","\\Server1,1")
Function wshShortCut($shortcutname, $targetpath, optional $arguments, optional $startdir, optional $iconpath, optional $style, optional $description, optional $hotkey)
Dim $shell, $desktop, $shortcut, $index, $iconinfo, $iconindex, $scdir, $rc
$wshshortcut = 1
$shell = CreateObject("")
If $shell
If UCase(Right($shortcutname, 4)) = ".URL" Or UCase(Right($shortcutname, 4)) = ".LNK"
;do nothing
If UCase(Left($targetpath, 5)) = "HTTP:" Or UCase(Left($targetpath, 6)) = "HTTPS:" Or UCase(Left($targetpath, 4)) = "FTP:"
$shortcutname = $shortcutname + ".url"
$shortcutname = $shortcutname + ".lnk"
If Right($targetpath, 2) = ",1"
$targetpath = Left($targetpath, -2)
If InStr($shortcutname, ".lnk") And Not Exist($targetpath)
Exit 2
If InStr($shortcutname, "\") = 0
$Desktop = $shell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
$shortcutname = $desktop + "\" + $shortcutname
$scdir = SubStr($shortcutname, 1, InStrRev($shortcutname, "\"))
If Not Exist($scdir)
MD $scdir
If @error
Exit @error
$shortcut = $shell.createshortcut($shortcutname)
If $shortcut
$shortcut.targetpath = $targetpath
If $iconpath And InStrRev($shortcutname, ".lnk")
$shortcut.iconlocation = $iconpath
If $arguments
$shortcut.arguments = $arguments
If $startdir
$shortcut.workingdirectory = $startdir
If $style
$shortcut.windowstyle = $style
If $description And InStrRev($shortcutname, ".lnk")
$shortcut.description = $description
If $hotkey
$shortcut.hotkey = $hotkey
If @error
Exit @error
If InStrRev($shortcutname, ".url") And $iconpath
$index = InStrRev($iconpath, ",")
If $index = 0
$iconindex = 0
$iconindex = Split($iconpath, ",")[1]
$iconpath = Split($iconpath, ",")[0]
$rc = WriteProfileString($shortcutname, "InternetShortcut", "IconFile", $iconpath)
$rc = WriteProfileString($shortcutname, "InternetShortcut", "IconIndex", $iconindex)
$shortcut = 0
$wshshortcut = 0
Exit @error
Exit @error
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