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Views: 32.7k  |  Created: 01/24/2007

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VLC media player has 21 inventory records, 7 Questions, 1 Blogs and 3 links. Please help add to this by sharing more!

Deployment Tips (16)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
If you need to deselect certain file type associations when installing VLC silently, you need to download the ZIP version instead of the EXE installer, and do the following to rebuild the installer yourself:

ZIP version of VLC 0.8.6d:

Nullsoft Scriptable Install System:

1) Install the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
2) Unzip the VLC ZIP file
3) Open the vlc.win32.nsi file with Notepad
4) Enter the version number on line 7
5) Change line 23 so that the file name uses the correct version variable: ${PRODUCT_VERSION} instead of ${VERSION}
6) Put a semi-colon at the beginning of any line (roughly between line numbers 112 and 155) for any file for which VLC should not steal the association (I've removed ASF, ASX, WMA, and WMV to keep Microsoft formats with Windows Media Player - needed for files with DRM as VLC doesn't cope with DRM-update requirements)
7) Save the file and exit Notepad
8) Right-click on the vlc.win32.nsi file and choose Compile NSIS Script (this will take a minute or so and will save a new installer in the directory above the current one)
9) Hopefully you'll now have a VLC installer without any undesirable file type associations. The re-compiled installer still supports the /S silent switch, too.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
Download software http://www.videolan.org

Run "vlc-0.7.0-win32.exe" /S
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
I found this in the videolan forum

"NSIS installers recognize /S for silent installation, /NCRC to suppress the CRC (verification) step, and /D=dir to specify the "output directory", which is where the program will be installed. These options are case-sensitive, so be sure to type them in upper case."

I tried this with success:
vlc-0.8.6c-win32.exe /S /NCRC

No language message appears.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
VLC, unlike most players, can play DVD without the need for a DVD codec installed. To make it the default add the following key to your package.

Subkey: Hkey_Classes_Root\DVD\shell\play\commandString
Data: "P:\Apps\VLC\vlc.exe"dvd://
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
You can Uninstall VLC (until 0.9X) with this uninstall command:

in the path "c:\program files\Videolan\VLC\"
launch "uninstall.exe /S /NCRC"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
-== VLC media player 0.9.9 ==-

Although the .exe installer does take a /S switch, there is not a nice way to control the shortcuts (e.g. remove desktop shortcut) without a 'delete' command somewhere, and there is not a nice way to stop the 'Privacy and Network Policies' window opening on first use. The window asks for update notification settings and auto-download of album art.

The preferences including the auto-update check settings are stored in:
This is a text file that can be edited with Notepad. The two settings that are required in this file are:

This will prevent the notification of updates and not prompt for the settings at first run. If you set these, put the vlcrc file aside for later.

I then downloaded the windows zip file vlc-0.9.9-win32.zip from http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-windows.html.

I created a new msi (using Wise Windows Installer Editor) and added all the files and folders from the zip to install to [INSTALLDIR] = %ProgramFiles\VideoLAN\VLC which is the same as the folder that is used when using their installer.

Then add the vlcrc that was amended earlier, to install to Windows\Profiles\Application Data\vlc
Then add an HKCU value as the primary key to the vlcrc component to ensure that the app auto-repairs for each user (e.g. HKCU\Software\VLC media player\Packaged = "by fred bloggs"). Note that you may get an ICE91 warning on the vlcrc component, but adding the HKCU value within the component as the primary key ensured that the self-repair ran properly and installed the file for me for all users logging on and running VLC, thus preventing the initial option screen and having update prompts off by default.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
I tried this command line with VLC mediaplayer 1.0.0 and it still works fine. No major changes in the commands, i guess....

vlc-1.0.0-win32.exe /L=1044 /S /NCRC
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
REM Unattended VLC 0.9.x installation, with old version removal and browser plugins.

REM Remove self-packaged VideoLAN 0.8.4a MSI
%systemroot%\system32\MsiExec.exe /X{3F927A23-9913-4BBF-B70D-566327589B72} /PASSIVE

REM Remove earlier VideoLAN-versions
"%ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe" /S

REM Finish up removing old versions
rmdir /s /q "%ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN"

REM Install VLC Player 0.9.8a from default distribution package
\\server\share\installs\VLCplayer\vlc-0.9.8a-win32.exe /S

REM Install the browser plugins manually after this - just registry additions.

REM Install Mozilla VLC Plugin 0.9.8a
REM These were extracted from the zip file
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" %systemroot%\system32\xcopy.exe \\server\share\installs\VLCplayer\vlc-0.9.8a\mozilla\npvlc.dll "%ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\" /y /c
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" %systemroot%\system32\xcopy.exe \\server\share\installs\VLCplayer\vlc-0.9.8a\mozilla\npvlc.dll.manifest "%ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\" /y /c
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" %systemroot%\regedit.exe /s \\server\share\installs\VLCplayer\VLCMozPlug.reg

REM Install IE VLC Plugin 0.9.8a
%systemroot%\system32\xcopy.exe \\server\share\installs\VLCplayer\vlc-0.9.8a\activex\axvlc.dll "%ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\" /y /c
%systemroot%\system32\xcopy.exe \\server\share\installs\VLCplayer\vlc-0.9.8a\activex\axvlc.dll.manifest "%ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\" /y /c
%systemroot%\system32\regsvr32.exe /s "%ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\axvlc.dll"

REM Allow modifying of desktop icon
%systemroot%\system32\cacls.exe "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop\VLC Media Player.lnk" /e /g users:c

The Mozilla reg file was extracted from a manual install, here's the copypaste of VLCMozPlug.reg:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Description"="VLC Multimedia Plugin"
"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\npvlc.dll"
"Product"="VLC media player"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
Download ZIP version with installer of VLC and edit vlc.win32.nsi file to not associate all MP3/avi to VLC (unless you want ALL)

Then to install run:
%~dp0vlc-0.9.9-win32.exe /L=1033 /S /NCRC
1033 = EN-us, 1036 = FR-fr, 1053 = SV-sv etc.

To uninstall:
%Programfiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe /S /NCRC

With version 0.9.9 the user has just to answer once how to deal with thumbnails etc but I let it be since the user should chose a personal setting here. The installation is however 100% silent.

More here:
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Another way to establish settings for all users is to make configuration with one user (including disable the flags for Updates and Policy Settings). The config files are stored in the Appdata folder of the user in vlc folder.

Create a folder in the all users' Application Data called vlc, there we have to put the configuration files that previously we made with the other user.

The program checks this folder when it starts.

You can do it centralized using GPO Preferences or include the commands in the silent installation script.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
the 1.0.3 still works:

> vlc-1.0.3-win32.exe /L=1034 /S

(to install in spanish language)
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Thanks for the comments. They helped me :)

I use this script. But with the latest versions there is an anoying popup named vlc-cache-gen. It stays there for 15 a 20 seconds and then it installs fine. No user intervention is required though.
@echo off
If not exist "c:\program files\videolan\vlc\vlc.exe" (goto there) else goto end
net use y: "\\servername\packages$\VLC Player"
y:\vlc.exe --no-qt-privacy-ask /L=1033 /S /NCRC
net use y: /delete /y
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
vlc-0.7.0-win32.exe /S
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line

This is an update for VLC 2.0.2 This works in LANDesk and I have tried it on 10 machine so far and works perfect. The Command switches are below

/L=1033 /S /NCRC 

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
To uninstall it seem like the uninstall won't work silently if vlc is running so:

cmd /c taskkill /F /IM vlc.exe /T & "%programfiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe" /S
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line

Use vlc-0.9.9-win32.exe /L=1033 /S for silent install using dutch language

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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VLC media player



Uninstall String

C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\uninstall.exe E:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe C:\Program Files\VLC\uninstall.exe C:\Documents and Settings\Jaustin\Desktop\VLC\uninstall.exe D:\Program Files\VLC\uninstall.e

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