Winzip has native MSIs for version 10 (and 11). These are buried but I've added a direct download link and a link to this entry on customising these MSIs.
The version 17 cames in an executable that is self extracting and contains an exe file and two MSI: one for the 32bit version and another for the 64bit version.
The license file can be provided in the MSI (available on request) or given to the customer on a separate file with extension .WZMUL
To distribute the right one Windows Vista or 7 32 and 64 bit you can use the following script:
@echo off if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 (
goto :x86
) else (
goto :x64
) :x86
msiexec /i WinZipMSI-32.msi /qn
goto :eof :x64
msiexec /i WinZipMSI-64.msi /qn
goto :eof
copy thelicensefile.wzmul c:\programdata\winzip /Y
So you need to create a zip with the two msi in it plus the script you find above plus the license file and associate it to the Winzip software under the Software section.
The command to execute will be a ''custom'' one and will be the name of the batch with the bat extension (es: myinstall.bat).
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